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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. That's a big stadium. There must be a dumpster somewhere.
  2. Isn't 14 runs in three innings historically about average for a doormat franchise like the Mets?
  3. Shirley you guys can't be serious. Two pages and no mention of Ferguson to Leaks in 1980? Clear cut winner IMO.
  4. To be fair, most anything a Canadian says beyond a grunt and a belch makes them sound more sophisticated than they really are.
  5. If that article doesn't say "outside of the US and some parts of Western Europe, the entire world is run on bribery", then it is bunk.
  6. ET LOL. If he has been eating Reese's Pieces this whole time he is going to look like Jabba the Hut or even Pizza the Hut and the whole thing will be mistaken for an invasion. Better get Jeff Goldfarb to start writing that virus right now.
  7. So if your hero Tom Brady has been convicted of a traffic violation then he is a convicted douche bag cheater? Because he would be convicted, a douche bag, and a cheater. Look, I'm sorry to use your favorite team to illustrate but words have meanings. TG did not call CB "convicted and a rapist". He called him a "convicted rapist". Regardless of how vile CB and his actions were, TG was wrong and opened himself up to being sued. Maybe he should have just mocked VCs looks or golf game if he wanted to publicly douche it up. He chose poorly.
  8. You've done a great job with this stuff but I have to ask if I can take a little credit. I'm wondering if once you realized that sitcom math was a real thing and focused on non-UFO conspiracies, if you got addicted to actually getting results and fell off the UFO wagon for good. If so.....congrats and you're welcome.
  9. Is Ollie's kid a "can't miss" prospect who must never be criticized in the XFL too?
  10. Dirt bag? Sure. Rapist? Up to you. Convicted rapist? That is simply false.
  11. And we will all get polio and Walmart will be fresh out of Iron Lungs.
  12. Not a bad guess. But unless I'm missing something, we all HAVE to guess because whatever VC said to TG was likely said in a private manner. Possibly it was even done professionally. Tim's bunched up panties lingered until it was time to pounce in public. You really got Vic Tim.........you win again. I only vaguely remember the CB stuff and don't buy the "she was a drug dealer wearing a short skirt" excuse at all. Timmy isn't going to win any Howitzers calling people convicted rapists when they haven't, you know, been convicted of rape. He 100% deserves to be sued by Bennett, whether or not CB deserves any compensation. The fact that TG did this and even his supporters have to guess why, shows his level professionalism. Hint: none.
  13. I hope he technically gets his technical ass sued off for technical liable. What a douche.
  14. Lol at the whole fair trial being important thing. Perhaps for some, but not all. Giant douche or not, an arrest, "trial" and sentencing within hours isn't right. And the ban on reporting about this guy is not the mark of a free society. Care to weigh in on the whole adverse/averse thing?
  15. Corn cannot grow on Mars because of the adverse conditions. Bill is averse to planting corn because he is lazy. Bill cannot be adverse to growing corn. There is no such thing as averse conditions.
  16. Your assessment of 34 is accurate but loses credibility when you use words improperly but continue to insist you haven't.
  17. I don't really care about you using incorrect words. I only brought it up because you were harping on the same thing. Averse and adverse have different meaning much like dumbass has a spelling.
  18. Adverse fits your post in the same way "dunno" and "sorta" are words. They aren't really correct but tons of people use them anyway. Look up the definitions of averse and adverse. They are different words with different meanings.
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