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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Some people also disparaged the guy when he was exposed as a pedophile.
  2. Page three has 9 posts about votes and zero Catwoman gifs. I hope you're all proud.
  3. We need a commie to combat the commies so that the commies don't take over so vote in the commie to stifle the commies.
  4. We can build a wall to block their cyber. And no big beautiful door on this one.
  5. Is it just me or when she says "I got it wrong" does she do it in a mock Russian accent?
  6. 1. Threaten and execute Cyberwar 2. Each country knocks out the others power grid 3. ?????????? 4. Profit
  7. But Naval Academy grads are war mongering meanies while soccer players are so nice that they kick it into their own net to help the other team. You tell me, who deserves the hugs more?
  8. It will be tougher this time because Zuck won't let him open the all important Facebook pages on which the fate of the free world, and so much else hangs. That bandwidth must be reserved for whatever depths of depravity can get him a few extra bucks.
  9. Certainly not in hockey prognostication, but in this case it is odd that he is against the Bernie-esque tariffs and Take You To Econ101 is for them.
  10. Actually it had some because she asked in a email and meant to attach a picture of the Kama sutra but accidentally attached a schematic of a nuclear sub. Don't worry though. Although it was negligent and it was also VERY gross, it wasn't gross negligence according to Comey.
  11. Funny. That's the same question Hillary asked Huma and it meant something totally different.
  12. I don't live in Maine.
  13. Wow RIP.
  14. No. But glorifying or expunging Donahoe's record misses a lot of failing. He was awful.
  15. That photo says it all about the great value in all of your research on this stuff. Don't get me wrong, the political stuff has been solid, but your osmosis like recognition of the reality known as sitcom math is delicious.
  16. The Indigo Girls are massage artists for not changing their name to the Indigo Womyn.
  17. Does that fact render you unable to look at the pretty pictures?
  18. I can live with the fact that you ignore that an immeasurable number of bots actually worked for both sides and the vast majority were not Russian, I can live with fact fact that you ignore that the mainstream US press was practically an arm of the Hillary campaign. I can live with the fact that you ignore the rigged super delegates that got her to the general in the first place. I can live with tons of other crap you left out. I CANNOT abide, or even understand why you ruined what was clearly a fantastic and unifying Catwoman gif thread. WTF?
  19. Let me guess what "could be better in America". Communism. Amirite?
  20. Purrrrrrrrrrfect. If we can't all agree on that we'll never agree on anything.
  21. I don't really excuse Zuckerberg for lack of controls in allowing pages like that to pop up, but it has to be put into perspective. Zuck was busy trying to cash in on his new features that allowed the kidnap and torture of developmentally disabled kids to be broadcast live. It would be interesting to see the proof that Trump colluded with Russia. Are you saying when Nancy Pelosi says she hasn't seen any that she is lying? This ignores the fact that Netanyahu is a big meanie so Obama was justified.
  22. So how should Israel have reacted to this supposed act of war perpetrated by the USA?
  23. LOL. If he has succeeded in throwing anything into chaos it is the morons in the US press and the morons in Congress. The west is transacting business just fine every day while ignoring these buffoons. Newsflash: These morons were in chaos before Putin and they will be in chaos long after he is gone. Because despite whatever lofty positions they have, they are morons.
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