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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. So the tight ship investigation didn't secure all the recordings? It didn't sufficiently gag its star witness? It hasn't done anything to him since the leak? Ok lol.
  2. So what? Cohen is on Mueller's ship, and calling it tight it patently ridiculous. Better hurry. The turnip truck leaves in 5 minutes.
  3. Lol tight investigation. That is your assessment one hour after commenting on the leaked audio?
  4. YAC TWSSS has been fulfilled as Tiberius, did in fact say something stupid in the impeachment thread. "Tiberius Will Say Something Stupid".
  5. Strozk is a weird enough dude in a 2 minute conversation that his clearance should have been rejected from the get go.
  6. My song, which you all know, will be sung to the guilty after the A+ satellite is exposed.
  7. This is not correct. The invention came long after the gin. This can be bought for less than extortionate pricing despite its greatness. Think value.
  8. Beware of those with backward alphabets slinging insults.
  9. I am 3 steps ahead of Q and have decided to offer my analysis exclusively to this board. I will not be able to elaborate or answer any questions so don't ask. When something I write becomes public I will let you all know. Here is my first drop. CBCBGP TWSSS The light before the dawn is just east but you are asleep so it doesn't matter. Sometimes the solution is that there is none but the equation is there for all to not see. The last great invention Flip the tpircs
  10. Have you considered all of her tweets complaining about being exhausted governing from hell because Putin hacked God's judgement day algorithm?
  11. That crap hasn't stopped since the beginning of time. It'll stop in 10 years because? Zuck didn't invent that, he just couldn't get laid and had no regard for other people whatsoever, so he monetized it in a new way. Now he has branched out into broadcasting the torture of the developmentally disabled. Woohoo.
  12. Why does this matter? They don't have access to that information now that they are out of office, do they?
  13. I will start with an area or two where we are in agreement: 1. Toronto is a crap hole 2. There is astounding physical beauty in Canada, but it reminds me more of Europa than of the USA. 3. Things can always get better in all places. In Canada, this is especially true but also relies on outside factors like global warming and highly selective breeding. Where we disagree: 1. Healthcare written into the constitution. Let's say it had been written into the constitution of every nation since the beginning of time. What would the state of healthcare be now? To put it into Canadian terms, imagine that hockey pucks were free and always had been free. Who would enter the hockey puck industry? The best and the brightest? What would hockey pucks be like today? Ok maybe that is a bad example. 2. The insinuation that being against government health care is equivalent to not wanting to help or being ok with people suffering. Thinking government being in charge of anything will lower the aggregate amount of suffering has been proven wrong every single day in human history. It is a childish outlook, not one of an advanced society.
  14. Canadians drool........when they look at their Celine Dion poster. That ought to tell you everything you need to know.
  15. Archduke Fernando says hello. Abba wrote a whole song about how that started WW1.
  16. With all the research you've done, it is mystifying that you could have ever thought Mueller would be a good guy. Thinking it now? With Podesta predictably being let off and all the garbage coming from this "investigation"? Come on dude. You know when I knew Mueller was a creep? When I looked at him.
  17. One? News flash Mr. Hollywood, the "crazy guy" turns out to be right in 93.2% of movies. The other 6.8% involves Apes, robots, and vampires.
  18. I believe that one. That chart just had a monkeys with typewriters moment.
  19. Dude don't put words in my mouth. I never told you to look at Catwoman's ass. I pointed to the gif as proof that this board has some positive traits. Look at whatever ass you prefer. I find it interesting that you wax poetic about how Trump is handling this Russia collusion narrative and why it is so important. All the "above the fray" prose you throw around is cute and all but it misses the obvious larger context, perhaps purposefully so. I'd bet $$$$$$$$$$ that Russia has interfered or at least tried to interfere in every one of our Presidential elections since at least 1917 using the technology of the time, and likely a lot of lesser elections too. Why then is this the story of the century? It can't be that they took out a Facebook ad can it? No. it can't. Everything I have seen shows so little understanding by the Russians of the American mindset that it reminds me of a Travolta movie called "The Experts". That is why it is being "shrugged off". It is visibly stupid and despite your supposition that everyone else is dumb and you need to let us all know what is important, it remains visibly stupid. So if the Russians have always done this, why is it so important this time? It is because of how they did it. They infiltrated Hillary Clinton's home made email server, which was obviously put in place to avoid FOIL scrutiny, and the DNC server. This can all easily be traced to Hillary's effort to avoid scrutiny. Don't get me wrong, I don't think she wanted her emails and files seen by the Russians, Chinese or anyone else; not for free anyway. It's that she wanted them concealed from the public records repository where they belong. There are a lot of idiots when it comes to technology, so she is hardly alone in either thinking she could hide it or her failure in securing it from espionage. Once the exposure was discovered, an effort was made to cover all of it up. Thinking that this could be covered up displayed a massive ignorance regarding technology, but then again ignorance is as old as time. It is why phrases like "the cat is out of the bag" and "you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube" were coined. But the apparatus thought they were smarter than everyone else and proceeded. This led to bigger and bigger lies. Some but not all of them could have stayed under wraps if Hillary were elected. Once Trump won, there weren't any rugs big enough left to sweep things under. That is why Russia attempting to meddle in 2016 is a big story but it wasn't in 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000, 1996, 1992, 1988, 1984, 1980, 1976, 1972, 1968, 1964, 1960, 1956, 1952, 1948, 1944, 1940, 1936, 1932, 1928, 1924, or 1920. So.....blame Trump. Try to pin him into corners on what the topic of his next sentence simply must be. Just wait for him to say something inarticulate so everyone can have a fit and he can be tossed from office. FWIW I think Trump is a goof. He has done some things I like and some things I hate. The world has not caught on fire because of him. He is the President. He needs to be accountable on all issues but he does not need to follow CNN's instruction on what to do, how to do it, or what he must discuss next. By all means continue to talk down to everyone on why whatever you select as the "issue du jour" is what everyone should focus on. Make sure to use big words and remind everyone of how friendly you are. Pretend that people are easily fooled and can't tell you're a commie. But please, for the love of all that is good, don't do it in the thread with perfectly good Catwoman gifs.
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