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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. New strategy: injure players on the other team to eliminate them. That sounds like a good way to run a system for a team sport. Or maybe just another in a long line of excuses to hand it to Alabama.
  2. Following the rules of logic Alabama can be placed ahead of Texas or Georgia but not both. Either overall body of work trumps head to head, in which case Georgia > Bama or the other way, in which case Texas > Alabama. A case can be made for both Tex and Ga being superior as Bama was life and death to beat unranked A&M, Arkansas, and Auburn. To be fair, they crushed Chattanooga, Middle Tennessee and had a 14 point win over S. Fla in their top notch non-conference schedule. They 100% played great yesterday and narrowly but deservedly won. Even with that, it simply can’t be said Bama was better all year than Ga. In a fair system Alabama should not realistically be considered for the playoff. That is not the way this works though. An undefeated team will get bounced for Bama because their QB is hurt. Nice precedent for guys like Greggggggg Williams to form game plans. It will be interesting to see whether Texas or Georgia is the other team. Maybe both if the committee decides to expedite the PAC-12’s death by a few weeks.
  3. You have to scoop up all the shiny objects immediately.
  4. Rando Randomstein. He’s equally proven as Ben and has the same amount of HC experience.
  5. He never said Philly was under immense pressure so your reply is distorted. He clearly said they were under emense pressure, which is totally different.
  6. As near as I can tell, the day I was born. Or the day you were born.
  7. No. That was argumentative and prickish enough for one day. Have a nice Thanksgiving.
  8. I remember Mr. Wawwwrrowrrw liked the giant eyeballs. I think he related to the bloodshot one.
  9. Whatever. Maybe they don’t totally suck but they sold out when they did the theme to Friends. Terrible.
  10. Is it really your belief that the Jets don’t have a good defense? Is that really what you’re going with? Or are you just trying to be argumentative?
  11. Pffff. Max Scherzer doesn’t know nearly as much as Badwr2bilz.
  12. I’m not making a full case for Salah, but to call that roster “loaded” is not accurate. They have no QB and no OL. This dooms their one WR with high potential and their one talented RB. Their defense is loaded. Their “roster” isn’t.
  13. Any updates on this? Von Neumann? Anybody?
  14. Yes and his favorite band was the one that dressed up like giant eyeballs. I’m pretty sure they suck.
  15. Can you explain how the last sentence of your post connects with the rest? Wouldn’t a 5 minute narrative developed in his own brain be similar to relying on random tweets?
  16. Interesting case. The defense is very strong. He has an injury excuse at QB. The OL is horrendous but wouldn’t that be on the GM? But……he hired Nate Hackett.
  17. Come back to this post after week 18 and say oops because not a single 10-7 team…..Buffalo or other….missed the playoffs. I’ll do the same if one does.
  18. Is Punkcheco required to do a dance after every play?
  19. Impressively you’ve added a poor understanding of geography to your already sterling ability to misunderstand/misrepresent baseball. Congrats.
  20. Have you considered that he is a Yankees fan and they are simply better?
  21. ^^^^^^^^ Clueless No Bash brothers, no Reggie, Rollie or Rudi:
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