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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. All that machinery you can't ship to China would have accelerated climate change so "good one ya" Trump.
  2. Your implication that there are acceptable levels is chilling.
  3. Trump colluded with China now too? Michael Cohen has suspicious ties to a mysterious General named Tso. He called this place near his house and asked for him all the time.
  4. Please tell me emolument is not a fancy French word for "extra scoop".
  5. Wow. Top 8 Canadian broads an I've heard of about 3. One of them is a recruiter for a cult.
  6. I could see 0-8. I could also see 1-7, 2-6, 3-5, 4-4, 5-3, 6-2, 7-1 or 8-0. Where it gets real complicated is when you start throwing ties into the scenarios.
  7. This is a big one but honestly the annual progression of Dan Orlovsky was always riveting.
  8. Hey. Google said maple syrup was the sexiest thing in Canada. Don't shoot the messenger. Also since Canadian snots are usually frozen, it seems weird that Kleenex has strong sales numbers up there. Analytics has also determined a correlation between those sales and homes with multiple Celine Dion posters. I just threw up,
  9. Raiders coaches need to read this board wrt Cook
  10. 1. The Raiders can wait for the Jets to cut Bridgewater. 2. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I read somewhere that Connor Cook is amazing.
  11. I overheard some people talking about how ugly the typical Canadian looks and there was disagreement. One of the people said there are some very sexy Canadians while the other people laughed. I decided to let Google decide. I started to search for "Canadian sex symbols". You know how Google fills in suggested searches? When I got in "Canadian sex" it filled in "offender registry" as the first suggestion and some similar terms next. To be fair, in the sad world of 2018, this would probably be true for just about any country. It was the next few suggestions that showed what Google thinks of Canada. "Symbol" was nowhere to be found. What did it suggest after "Canadian sex"? "Act with maple syrup" is what it suggested. And people complain about the idea of a border wall.
  12. Wait a minute. Bellichick has operatives Down Under? We're more screwed than I thought.
  13. Dear Commie, We see what you did there. Try harder.
  14. There is a Bon Jovi tribute band? What's next, a tribute to elephant piss?
  15. They should re-name it "Bob Kraft is a Fat Drunk" stadium.
  16. Enough people voted for Trump to elect him. End of story. Your desire to "look up to" the president is not realistic nor is it the intent of the founders. He is not Kim Jung QB. Personally I do not like Trump and am maybe 60/40 in favor of his policies. The best thing about Trump, and probably the reason he got elected, is because he is at least somewhat from outside the "swamp". The reaction to him has exposed plenty and people's eyes are more open to crap they knew existed but never actually saw. Manafort is an example of this not just because people in his position enrich themselves all the time, but because he himself was doing it and nobody had an issue with it.......until he worked for Trump. Unlike Greggy, I think the deep state/swamp whatever, will win and it'll all go back to the status quo. But at least you can plead ignorance to their proclivities for corruption because there will be plenty of Comey's around to help keep things quiet. President Cuomo has several lackeys in jail behind him but don't worry, nothing to see there.
  17. I'm pretty sure, you doofusses, that the OP was talking about either that priest from Buffalo or Spider-Man and not some moron drummer from 1928.
  18. He was never the QB he "once was" because Kim Jung QB is the bestest there ever was. He never made a mistake.
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