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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I don't see people piling on AJ McCarron. I've seen McDermott catch balls out of bounds and he doesn't cost a roster spot.
  2. If they can't pick up Penn in a trade from Oakland I say they cut Teller.
  3. He looks more like a muppet than 72% of muppets look like a muppet. But your avatar has him beat.
  4. Jesus freaks want you to spill your Coke on your lap!
  5. New England should do it, then get caught cheating again on purpose and lose those picks, thus screwing Oakland into trading Mack for nothing.
  6. Before the smart phone, what was the threat to Microsoft's dominance and how did free computers to schools squelch it?
  7. All of that stuff I listed......don't you think the FBI agent might have some cursory knowledge of it? If so, why wouldn't he add " .....and that sure was lucky because that server was just begging to be hacked.". When that is left out people are supposed to infer that there is nothing to see or that it all worked out ok, despite living in the real world letting them know how ridiculous that premise sounds. People think others can't figure things out on their own, and sometimes that is correct. Omissions were a much better tool just a few years ago, but their value as a tactic diminishes every day because more and more information is available than ever used to be. It is almost as if Adam Smith understood human nature.
  8. Define generation and define industry. And what do you think I meant when I said "these things have a way of taking care of themselves"?
  9. I know right. Every kid I see now just can't take their eyes off their Windows CE powered phone.
  10. You're just now wondering? Beane got snookered on this one. Murphy clearly has no intent to ever play again and he got his last contract by pretending he did. Get over thinking he is going to help in any way. Even if the Bills coerce him out there he will just fake something.
  11. Nixon has an x in her name, as did Marx. That was the tiebreaker.
  12. Shirley you can't be serious. Just being alive in 2018 every single person is subjected on a daily basis to attempts at getting their information. You only need to make one mistake, sometimes not even one, and you are compromised. The people after you can be buffoonish or sophisticated but they are not the top dogs. What level of sophistication do you think goes into trying to get at State secrets? Again, some of this is buffoonish but some is ultra sophisticated. We know that Podesta fell for one of the buffoons which exposed the domain name "clintonemail". I'd bet $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ that the domain name was well known long before the DNC hack. Couple that with the also known facts that this server was first in her house, then in a bathroom, and never encrypted, and ask yourself honestly, using your own personal experience, if the statement that there was no evidence it had been hacked passes the smell test. One possibility is that it had been hacked and the trail was covered up by the hackers or someone else. I suppose this is plausible if you hit your head on the pavement while descending from the turnip truck. The other is similar to believing that there was once a gigantic pot of gold sitting in the middle of Times Square, and rainbows from all across the land terminated at the top of it, but we all just walked by and didn't touch it despite all of us desiring gold more than anything else. England, France, Germany, Russia, China, Israel, Iran, Mexican cartels, India, Pakistan, and many independent organizations all likely had a taste. If she hadn't had a private server, there would have been fewer, but not none. I get that asking the queen to follow the rules is simply unacceptable, but at least don't throw Occum's Shaver out the window.
  13. Clinton went after Microsoft but these things take care of themselves.
  14. Hayek seems as dumb as a box of rocks to me but I haven't read anything of hers. She uses a dumb fake accent in interviews. Some people think she is hot but meh.
  15. I rather read Hayek than listen to her annoying voice, that's for sure.
  16. They were good enough to be copied. Randy Numan's song called Cars sounded like The Cars.
  17. It is tough to categorize. Although Sting didn't wear eye shadow, he was definitely girly enough.
  18. I won't be tricked into Joe's question of "which dude wears dark eye shadow best". Joe,. If you want to try it, just try it. Create your own look.
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