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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Much of their offensive roster over the years consists of bad players from bad teams who improved after juicing, cheating, and getting the officials on their side.
  2. Nail biting time. You guys worried about those mega tough commie wolves? On the plus side the committee will consider this a quality win if you can pull it off.
  3. It was such a great cartoon. You knew what was coming but it was still hilarious.
  4. I'm not sure but I'm guessing they are the first playoff team to have a consensus power rank of 32. It is an absolute joke.
  5. Lol that is Gob from Arrested Development. They were filming for a new season. If you listen closely you'll hear "I've made a huge mistake".
  6. Shouldn't all of these "grown ups" have been able to: A. Stop an amoral idiot and a tin pot dictator from stealing an election by opening a Facebook page? B. Find evidence of the above by now? C. Create made up evidence more compelling and less see through than Steele? or D. You know....convince Americans that the "grown ups" deserved to be elected on their own merits? Any one of thes 4 would have worked. C is all they have left.
  7. The Waltons? WTF? They argued about everything. If John-boy wanted Trump Mary Ellen and Ben would have reflexively gone for Hillary. Pa would have told them all to just shut up and fix the dang truck. Plus they were fictional,
  8. 309 penalties, can't define a catch, Chris Collinsworth yammering...I've seen better products on the clearance rack of a soon to close KMart.
  9. Because OC refused to write him the ultimate software that solves every problem the world has ever known?
  10. Whooda thunk Roethlisberger would even pretend to care about women?
  11. OMG she was going to piss on you before she chopped you to bits? Or was it after?
  12. Maybe Beane thinks the Steelers suck. Personally, I think they will be very meh.
  13. I answered that with regard to CFB. In hoop I also don't really have a favorite but am thinking of going with the Globetrotters. Do you know anything about this Washington Generals outfit they seem to play a lot?
  14. At any point in time was Urban Meyer made aware?
  15. Then you may want to skip this week's throw down with Louisiana-Lafayette.
  16. 1. If we did sign Perriman do you think we would cut Benjamin? It would be Foster. 2. Alabama's schedule came into play when you asked about where you should look for jokes. I answered a question that you wrote.
  17. This thread started out being about Perriman but you felt the need to jump in and defend Dropsie McGee. You wouldn't do that if he played college ball at Auburn. And good news!!!!!! The committee has awarded a playoff spot to Bama in 2019, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 25. It's a shame they'll be required to earn it in 24.
  18. Maybe look up the Alabama schedule, because it's a joke. It's on Google. Arkansas State gets a chuckle, La-Lafayette keeps it hilarious and they're rolling in the aisles when Citadel is the encore.
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