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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. You sound like you're pissed at her already but she didn't even say anything about Zay, you just imagined it. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess your favorite Bills coach was Oedipus Rex.
  2. Q was banned for his reliance on U. N is independent.
  3. He spins everything he writes towards Flower Power maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. Because he is a hippy.
  4. Why would your mom brag about Zay Jones and diss Benjamin? Even if she did, I doubt Rodak would notice. Dude I'm sorry to inform you but the original Cap'n Crunch probably died a long time ago, so they have to stick with the new guy.
  5. What about sexism? I don't remember "Huuricane Andy". But of course a chick hurricane isn't taken seriously.
  6. There is a long list of men similarly punished by this exact official.
  7. I don't see any single piece as odd. People leave their doors open. People get drunk and do dumb things. Cops have guns. People whose homes are intruded flip out. None of that is odd. All of it happening in one place at one time, is the unfortunate part.
  8. Let's go Occum's Shaver on this because it seems like people are turning it into a mystery when they shouldn't. 1. She had to be drunk or something because she WENT TO THE WRONG APARTMENT and once she got there, still couldn't figure it out. Heat of the moment could explain some of this. Booze explains all of it. 2. His apartment, his prerogative to do whatever the hell he wanted with the door. 3. Similar to 2. He can have a visitor and for the sake of this case it doesn't matter if it was Charlie Manson coming over to discuss a new cult. It has zero to do with what she did. Haven't any of you figured out the most likely visitor yet? Eliot Spitzer has. 4. His reaction to her commands is meaningless. At the very least he had to be confused. Maybe he had called for a lady that would "take control". Again, it doesn't matter. It was his apartment. This all adds up to something tragic which has nothing to do with cops as professionals or behavior of the victim. It was a drunk broad being stupid followed by a chain of sad but easily explained actions.
  9. If I had a toothpick for every time I heard some ad or politician call teachers heroes I could build a full scale replica of the Empire State Building. #1 attacked position? I think cops have a claim there. A degree arguably could have a bearing on someone's starting salary but that's all. After that, supply and demand takes over, period. It always has. Acting surprised about it via union representation doesn't change it. I'm not saying teaching is easy but there is a large supply of capable people.
  10. I'm glad he is gone. I'd prefer Rex. They both suck but Rex isn't a douche. Ok, Ok, he's a douche. But in a fun way, not a jerky way.
  11. Really? He was sold here, by himself and others, as an offensive guru. Bortles, Manuel et al notwithstanding, his offense is a hot mess almost every week he doesn't play Pittsburgh. The D in Jax speaks for itself and was trending before he arrived. He wisely hired Schwartz here and let him be. That was a good move.
  12. Marrone quit, he was, and still is, a flaming idiot. You can keep him. He did hire Schartz so +1. He stumbled upon that D roster down there. Shirley you can't think release is the correct action.
  13. You want Reggie Ragland back? Some of the cuts/trades were cap based which is just a reality. They did not inherit a good situation there. Of all the players gone, none of them produced commensurate with their hit except we still could have had Watkins cheap. Darby is a good player in other schemes. Dareus, Brown, Washington are all addition by subtraction. We've added a first round QB, almost an entire secondary and parts of a real, non-Rex joke, front 7. Obviously there is more to do.
  14. I'd buy that if you hadn't asked to see Adolphus Washington reenact Olivia Newton-John's "Physical", on his way out.
  15. I've heard of weird fetishes but you might want to see someone.
  16. I have a theory. It's crazy but give it a chance. Football season has started and hockey season hasn't. This could be why the Bills are getting more talk than the Sabres.
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