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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. The upside for the Yankees is clear. The downside is limited but real. 2024 Soto is 100% going to help the Yankees. If anything, he has too much plate discipline….a concept that has been lost on impact Yankee players for more than 5 years. That’s a big plus and maybe it’ll rub off on other players. He is an elite overall hitter and player…..another big plus. I’d put him top 10 overall players in baseball. He is NOT a pull hitter so the RF stuff is overblown, but he would produce offense in a park the size of the Grand Canyon so no worries. If the moronic Yankees try to make him a pull hitter????? I doubt they mess with him though. Grisham is an even better defender than Bader but a lesser hitter if you can believe it. The Yankees ruined Bader’s already meh offense. Grisham arrives pre-ruined and never having had any. The Padres did well to dump him. Still, he could help the Yankees in some ways. If he can keep Judge out of CF for some games and lower 99’s injury risk then he can help the Yanks. He sucks with the bat but is a gamer which is also something the Yankees have lacked. I think he will be popular in NY. The Padres did ok too. They were not going to be able to keep Soto long term. They got numbers in return. The catcher will help fill a backup role as they currently have an unproven injury prone young catcher with big upside in Campusano. If Higgy can spell him for 50ish games that will help. Both are placeholders for ultra phenom Salas who won’t arrive for a couple years. The pitching stuff is a numbers game for them. King is ok and Thorpe is a long term maybe. I don’t know much about Vazquez but have seen enough of Brito to know that he is a throw in. Maybe with a change of scenery? Probably not. They definitely lost overall on Soto having given up Hassell, Wood, Abrams and Gore. Yikes. With one year left they weren’t getting anything close to that back. It would have been nice if they traded with a team that had actual prospects to offer but the Yankees cupboard is utterly bare. Thorpe was their best pitching prospect and now becomes the Padres distant 3rd best…….maybe. He’s not in the same galaxy as Lesko and probably not Snelling. Still, they needed quantity. Looking beyond 2023 for the Yankees, their ability to retain Soto will tell the tale for this trade. A quick Google of “Juan Soto agent” might get a chuckle or two about the prospects of that, but it’s probably worth the shot for the desperate, bereft team with skilled organizations in their division like TB and Bal and a good chance Ohtani will be up north for 8 years. FWIW I like the Verdugo thing for them. Not sure how they will be able to jettison the comic book character known as Giancarlo, but who knows? The 2024 Yankees are definitely better and IMO could contend if there are pitching turnarounds with guys like Montas and Rodon. Doubtful but possible. Beyond 2024 money is the only answer for them as their minor league system is garbage. It’s bottom 5 in MLB and probably even overrated at that. The good players they have in it get hyped as great then mismanaged….see Volpe….the decent prospects are also hyped as future Mantles…..see Dominguez….and the nobodies even get mentions…..see Periera or whatever his name is. Also they’re stupid so look for them to trade undervalued assets like Peraza.
  2. 1. Shirley you can’t be serious. Wouldn’t it have been a good idea to make their statement about getting in when they played Bama? 2. The point is that both FSU and Ga have players that have ALREADY put on the uniform for the last time, so the game will be vastly different than a playoff game would have been for both teams. Seriously? Bama got in because of the 1990s? Do you have money on DePaul for March Madness?
  3. Well then Bama plays the non top heavy part of the SEC. They aren’t just playing with themselves. How do they get credit for playing a “tough” schedule when the teams they played were beaten by ACC teams? The whole thing is pretzel logic of the highest order.
  4. I called DHop a shiny object during all the off-season hype but that commercial about his mom got to me.
  5. Bama too busy playing tough teams like Chattanooga to bother scheduling a “trash” ACC team?
  6. I know time flies and all and I hate to be the one to break it to you but Rob Johnson wasn’t ll that recent.
  7. It could be college where teams get eliminated for having an injured player. Tonya Harding is going to start up a new company and make $$$$$$$$$.
  8. Don’t take it too hard. Trashing a college freshman’s name is only collateral damage for the committee in pursuit of promoting Bama. Honestly, that kid should sue the ever loving daylights out of that committee. They literally trashed him in public and blamed him for FSU’s exclusion. It’s one thing if they spin it or keep quiet but they used this kid as a scapegoat. It’s at least grounds to file a defamation suit.
  9. That kid is a totally worthless human being incapable of ever improving. Thank God the committee screwed the rest of his team and made him a scapegoat for the rest of his life. So classy of these gentlemen for thrusting hardship on this kid. If he didn’t want to be publicly blamed by the committee for FSU’s omission, he should have stopped being a worthless sack of crap and been a 5 star backup like that awesome Bama kid. Do I have that right?
  10. To be fair the Chiefs probably took it from the Atlanta Braves and they may be connected by half of each roster having humped Taylor Swift.
  11. Lol you conveniently left out that TCU won a playoff game while making a case they were unworthy of a spot. That’s not logical.
  12. The non conference Bama schedule was a reasonably tight game against USF, a curb stomp home defeat to Texas, a resounding victory over Chattanooga and another against MTSU. But we get the gaslighting about their tough schedule. Also: Kim Jung Il shot an 18 in a round of golf.
  13. Oooh 5 stars. The committee basically told a kid at FSU that he is a worthless piece of garbage. Even though he lost exactly zero games. Nice example from our institutions there.
  14. In fairness to Florida State, the committee should have notified them at the beginning of the season not to bother playing because they had already been eliminated. Cuz Bama. As usual.
  15. 1. Clemson getting stripped of their titles now? 2. So you’re saying Cleveland should be eliminated now? What if Mahomes gets hurt in week 18? 3. Has there ever been an undefeated team, power 5 or otherwise, eliminated from the playoff when the beneficiary wasn’t Bama?
  16. Didn’t mean to “clap back”. Sorry if it seemed that way. I agree the committee has a wide variety of anti-logic at its disposal.
  17. One will make it for sure. Maybe two.
  18. The NFL should probably eliminate Cleveland from the playoff picture because their QB got hurt. The committee would essentially be telling an individual player that he sucks and is the entire reason for his undefeated team’s elimination. That’s quite a unique way to treat their student athletes. Texas curb stomped Bama at their house. Nice reward.
  19. Honestly if an undefeated team in a high end conference gets summarily eliminated for any of a long list of dubious excuses, why not simply eliminate any type of playoff at all and go back to the bowl system? It’s a farce. Why wouldn’t they just tell 95% of the teams in August……you’re eliminated? Because they are. The injury reasoning is stupid and borderline dangerous. What happens if someone walks into Milroe’s dorm room this morning and goes all Tonya Harding?
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