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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. There are lots of issues here. People on both sides of any argument sometimes lie. When a lot of time has passed, it is hard to tell what is the truth. Sometimes people's memories lie to them. They think they are remembering the truth, but they are off. This presents problems when people are nominated to highly important positions. I think we'd all agree that the best solution is an objective one. We need a way for the government to record every moment of everyone's life and store it in case that person is nominated for something. A position like Supreme Court judge is just too important to leave if to memory, whether it is the memory of an accuser, or the nominee. I say record everyone's life now.
  2. You are incorrect or uninformed about your first and third points. There is plenty of material on this boards that refutes both. Your second point had what to do with Trump? Who attempted to hack into what voting machines specifically?
  3. LOL. That's just what his superior mind wants your inferior mind to think. His plan is working.
  4. Most investigations begin as the result of something. An example would be a building burning down. Was it electrical? Arson? Let's investigate. What happened here that caused the need for an investigation? What "building burned down"? Hillary lost what was supposed to be an open and fair election. If it were an open and fair election why, absent of some evidence to the contrary, would it be investigated? A surprising result is not evidence. If 1000 voting machines simultaneously broke or more people voted in a critical district than live in the district......or one of 1,000,000 other things happened, then ok. But what happened? Do you find it at all curious that people involved in the investigation had correspondence with each other before the election even took place, hinting at all of this?
  5. Better check your mirrors dude. Who are you kidding? You worship OC and he owns you. And the rest of us.
  6. Hey mods, can we add a reaction button that is a picture of a straight jacket? Because that Googly eye thing doesn't cut it.
  7. Andre Szmyt, K, Syracuse, deserves a look on name alone.
  8. That's not really what crickets sound like but I'm with you I guess.
  9. I knew we should have hired total douche bags so we could fire them more quickly. We're already 0-1 and I hear crickets from the Pegulas.
  10. Imagine if they won the Super Bowl. That would have bought them maybe two years to suck. That would be terrible.
  11. Does anyone else find it odd that this letter defending how quickly the other letter came out so quickly came out so quickly? It's almost like they knew there would be criticism of the letter coming out so quickly. Is it possible the Russians had Feinstein hacked? We should have Mueller investigate this. If he is too busy find some other tall guy who looks half dead to do it. I'm thinking John Kerry or the judge from My Cousin Vinny.
  12. I don't know what it will be, but there will be 12:15 left in the second quarter. But fear not,. We'll have deferred and will receive the 2nd half kickoff.
  13. Whose idea was it that we get a generational talent every year now? It was a good idea. I remember back in the day waiting for what seemed like a generation or so.
  14. What if we start 1-5, 2-4, 3-3, 4-2 or 5-1? The Steelers and Browns have proven we can start 0-5-1, 0-4-2, 0-3-3, 0-2-4, 0-1-5, 1-4-1, 1-3-2, 1-2-3, 1-1-4, 2-3-1, 2-2-2, 2-1-3, 3-2-1, 3-1-2, or 4-1-1. We should have a plan for all scenarios and if the Pegulas aren't questioning McD about all contingencies every day we are in trouble. For example, no team that has started 3-1-2 has ever made the playoffs. Ever. If that is our start then I say we tank.
  15. Undermind? It's undermine. An undermind is what most Canadians have.
  16. Dude get over the notion that anyone will EVER investigate insiders like Kerry, Clinton, Feinstein, Graham, Ryan, McConnell. It isn't happening. They are ultra protected. This guy is publiçly admitting he is negotiating without any authorization and Feinstein had a spy with her for DECADES. Nothing can happen to these cretins.
  17. I am not exactly a fan of pot but this crap is ridiculous.
  18. The Dude is calling everyone incels in Q, but N knows he is scrambled thus he is really the one who happened: upon a bi wonk help him unscramble that clue to find what he is really doing.
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