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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Sad that it was child porn when it could have been just about anything..........except aliens. Sitcom math strikes again.
  2. I'll believe anything after Reagan almost annihilated the planet by being mean to the USSR.
  3. Thanks and it all makes sense except the bi-cameral thing. First, I don't think the Lewinsky stuff was filmed. And there haven't even been rumors about another guy being involved.
  4. She's not running for President. You thought those videos of Hillary stumbling around were bad? Prying a sarcophagus open backstage before speeches and debates is worse.
  5. I think male but I'm sure it doesn't matter. Wrap your head around Feinstein hiring a Chinese chauffeur and somehow not being in on it and not figuring it out for 20 years. Is that possible? How the hell does this happen? Have you seen Chinese people driving in San Francisco?
  6. I don't get it. But the right answer was supposed to be: A Senator's 20 year Chinese chauffeur.
  7. It's out of character for Feinstein to try playing both sides of something huh?
  8. For me, there are some individual politicians I still take seriously. I agree with some and disagree with others. These are people that I read as believing in some set of principles and driving toward them. I loathe the people driving at principles I see as counter to our founding, but I take them seriously. Cruz, Bernie, Warren, Gowdy and Paul fit this category along with very few others. The vast vast majority are very clearly "in the game" to either advance themselves and/or to go around the rules to expedite their desires. Flake, Harris, Schiff, Feinstein, Gillibrand, Clintons, Graham, McConnell and so many more. Basically the swamp. There are some "tweeners" that I think flip back and forth between principles and self serving sneakiness. Schumer and Rubio jump to mind. As an overal collage, the Washington scene can only be taken seriously because it impacts lives. It is too big in scope and highly inefficient in practice.
  9. That's the delay tactic. She has a busy life and should be able to testify based on her very hectic schedule. She frees up in mid-November.
  10. It's all most as if neither the Republican nor the Democrats care about the Supreme Court nominee from any perspective except how it impacts them personally.
  11. I thought you wanted all of us to be polite. And then you start calling people Nazis. It's almost as if you're a phony.
  12. For someone constantly advocating kindness and a genteel nature on a message board you sure seem to have a lot of excuses and admiration for what Feinstein has done here. But I've cracked the code as to why. You're a commie. Monday is going to be an absolute circus. Congrats.
  13. Is a spy really a spy if the person being spied upon doesn't care about the spying?
  14. It also makes the actions of cretins like Spacey and Weinstein look like no big deal.
  15. This is why I posted earlier saying that everyone's life should be recorded and stored by the government.
  16. Yes. Then he made you forget so he can use you for a cat toy again the next time he posts something so brilliant nobody else on the planet can understand it.
  17. The material to which I referred is indeed posted on this board and anyone reading my post clearly is here already. The same material is available in a lot of places and originates with the FBI files.
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