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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Are we finally out of excuses for the best prospect in the history of history? Right now would you take Luck over: Mayfield, Darnold, Allen, Wentz, Watson, Mahomes, Goff, Carr? How about Rosen, Jimmy G, Trubiniski, even Talleywhacker, Mariota, Bortles? He has Winston beat. maybe Prescott. Definitely better than Connor Cook. Top prospect ever? LOL
  2. But...uh....it....uh....well...uh....it......but.......it was a response to something designed to do exactly that. Did is they comment on the Trent Edwards lookalikes or ask Trent for his thoughts?
  3. Wow. How could anyone possibly interpret what Woods said as offensive? There is a lot of low hanging fruit there to be had if he wanted to offend. He basically said "people should vote". How many votes are the Republicans losing because these 3 guys aren't showing up? Bills related comment:. These guys all look like Glove Wearing Mary's from Los Gatos and they are checking down their right to vote. Coincidence?
  4. LOL at the Glove Wearing Mary comment. He was horrible before during and after the concussion. Bill Walsh played a practical joke on Marv Levy and we picked him. That's all there is to the story.
  5. Check out the highlights of that. How did they tell each other apart?
  6. It meant nothing but there is zero way to explain the no reversal on the flip to McCloud called a fumble. It wasn't the worst in terms of impact but it could not have been an easier reversal. Mahomes and Brady use that play and when it works it is called a completion, not a rush. Can anyone explain?
  7. And what better way to open her comments at the hearing than "So ya, thought ya, might like to.......come to the show"? If they achieve their goal Kavanagh will crack and when he speaks he will say: "Crazy, toys in the attic I am crazy.....Truly gone fishing. They must have taken my marbles away.......Crazy Over the rainbow I am crazy.....bars in the window."
  8. When you can change the rules whenever you want, artful construction is unnecessary. You can even have a sponsor Senator that looks like mother from Pink Floyd's The Wall.
  9. The next thing you know, Greggy will be saying Sitcom Math proves aliens. Which might mean she chose to forget as much of her past as possible.
  10. In San Diego they can be sharpened so Mama can drink blood directly. Be careful on Tinder.
  11. That's a plan. But it can't be delivered to her via airplane because transitive property. Also, she has always liked the phrase "slow boat to China" but this would be from China not to China so there are some details to work out. And is it a hybrid?
  12. In about 6 years Harvey Weinstein will be hailed as a champion of women when he makes a movie about all of this.
  13. This crap stopped resembling a confirmation hearing long before this stuff. If Kavanagh is sitting there or not, the Dems are going to be campaigning only. They have no respect for Ford, Kavanagh or any other individual.
  14. Asking that he not be present seems ok to me. Asking that he testify first seems unreasonable.
  15. WTF am I missing? I gave up after 9 paragraphs of "Seniors don't study much".
  16. Greggo is still adept at teaching talented defenders to be overly aggressive and bite on every fake to open up lanes all over the field. He's such a macho man wannabe. Compleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeete loooooooooooooooooser.
  17. Can someone type out a sample on here because those links hurt my eyes? That requested, I think quotes and pictures from the youth of either party in this story, or their friends, is useless. They were young and young people are as stupid as Canadians.
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