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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. IMO she is coming off reasonably well, the Repub lady is falling victim to the stupid 5 minute rules and is way too slow. The Dems are pathetic with their pandering.
  2. He didn't compare it to multilateral. He compared it to globalist. Commie.
  3. See Googlebot v. Sammy Hamster 2016. Technically the plaintiff was not designed as a sexbot but it will be cited as precedent. What a mess that was.
  4. I saw a story about Kavanagh's calendar complete with pictures. One entry mentioned a Bullets game he attended and he wrote in the final score afterwards. It seems very credible and much of it can probably be verified. Unfortunately for Mr. Kavanagh it mentions he made plans to see the movie "Grease 2". How did this not come up in the hearing? HS kids make mistakes but geez. You can't confirm him with that I. Writing can you?
  5. As it becomes clear that it is possible the Kavanagh is the most prolific serial killer in world history the democrats should be given credit for saving us from having him in that position. He might order the water supply poisoned and we'd all be dead. They may also benefit politically but that isn't the point.
  6. Not at all. I wish Luck all the best. He seems like an exceptionally good guy and teammate.
  7. You didn't get the memo. Nobody needs guys. All guys are supposed to sit this one out.
  8. She is lucky she knew him before his raping and killing began. Has anyone looked into any mysterious deaths in Maryland in the 80s? It would be intersting to see if any of Kavangh's neighbors had pets that went missing while he was in middle school.
  9. How many ways can this question be phrased? Do colleges pay job tax? Do colleges pay head? Does Higher Ed pay job tax? Do colleges give job tax?
  10. Wtf? Put another way is Higher Ed subject to the job tax?
  11. At this point I disagree. People knew about Trump's tweets before he was even running. At this point it is about rewarding the brave Democrats like Feinstein who had the courage to bring this story forward. I think they are wavering though. Ted Cruz was chased out of a restaurant by heroes chanting about believing the survivors. Do they not have the fortitude any longer to stand up for those who didn't survive Kavanagh's attacks?
  12. Has this Passatino guy ever heard of times zones? Maybe one of the interviewers was on the west coast.
  13. A keg hold a lot of beer but doesn't fit the profile of a serial killer who has successfully hidden so many bodies.
  14. Agreed. He should look at the facts as presented by these victims. I understand to an extent that it will be difficult to convict Kavanagh on all of these murders with only the things Ford has said but as long as he is behind bars for life it won't happen again. It is awful for the families who will never have closure though. Personally I would support water boarding, even in public, to have him give up the locations of the bodies but I'm not sure the Senate has the guts.
  15. Let's go with a stash for the FRBs from 3billion light years away. They are basically a sitcom math version of a Hail Mary from Trend Edwards to TJ Graham into a 40 MPH wind with the Bills down nine points, but I'm sure we can turn them into aliens.
  16. He said in the very first post that he likes nature. Try to keep up.
  17. The thread title calls it a job tax and your link calls it a head tax. It blows either way. It is a topic that deserves well thought out discussion but when politics are involved, who knows. My guess is that this head job thing will have a premature explosive climax and leave everyone involved with a big sticky mess on their hands.
  18. We know there are missing women and unsolved murders. We know the serial nature of Kavanagh's predatory behavior. We know the FBI solves serial crimes. What is Trump hiding by refusing an FBI investigation? What is getting overlooked is Kavagh's mind and how it could benefit our nation. Lock him up but in a Hannibal Lechter way where he can help young Clarise's solve crimes like those he committed.
  19. Do we really know we stopped him? How many women are missing in this country? Isn't it curious we don't know where they are and we didn't know about these habits of his until now? Can these two things realistically be unrelated? It should at least be investigated.
  20. The funniest part is that it is 1000000000000000% obvious that they are trying to get laid by doing this. They will likely fail.
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