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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Stay tuned for a preview of next week's edition of "Pajama Boy Live".
  2. 120 kids and it is only a big enough story for a backwater NH TV station? And just a paragraph at that? Does that seem weird to anyone else?
  3. This is correct although the form of elite over-class could be argued. Monarchy? Commie? Corporate? Robber Barons? Pick from that list or any of 1000 other categories of people that think they are smarter/better than everyone and thus entitled to rule. The funniest is if they were actually smart and honest, they would realize that capitalism is by far more likely to resolve any real, fake or exaggerated climate issues than any other economic system ever imagined. Some of these people are smart and I do believe that some are honest, but both?.....that is a rarity. Some of the smart ones are not well rounded in their expertise.
  4. Because that is the only time he has ever failed in that situation. Especially if you really like Koolaid.
  5. He was the top prospect in football history. All you hear from anyone is that QB is the most important position, by far, in sports. He has played most of his career in the worst division in NFL history. And here we are in his 7th season blaming his coach for a wide open receiver being missed on a 4th and 5 with the game on the line. But there is still plenty of sugar in the Koolaid.
  6. That's the number one excuse on the hit parade. Kim Jung QB should not be expected to hit a 5 yard out with the game on the line.
  7. The commercials for the upcoming Cher concert were more exciting. Eichel appears to be doing his best Gary Anderson impersonation.....hopefully that changes. I didn't see anything that bothered me too much about Risto, Skinner, the not yet injured Reinhardt, or Dahlin. Whoever though Thompson, who does a 5.5 40 on skates belongs on an NHL team, made a mistake.
  8. The Bruins did not look that good to me at all. The Sabres simply looked worse after the first 10 minutes which weren't bad. The Bruins first goal was lucky inasmuch as the flow had been going the other way and the just got a bounce to start a rush. After that, woof.
  9. They look pretty good so far despite the deficit. Thompson however is far too slow to play NHL hockey.
  10. Over under on Andrew Luck excuses by Collinsworth tonight has a Vegas Line of 4,678.5. I'm going with the under because he will need time to sicken everyone by yammering about Brady.
  11. New rumor this morning that Grassley's office received a package that was thought to be a small bomb but turned out even worse. It was a boxed set of every recording ever made by Tom Petty on Vinyl, cassette, CD, thumb drives, 8 track and a hard disk. In addition, when opened it wirelessly connected to the Senate network and auto downloaded to everyone's phone. Luckily Hillary happened to be walking by with a cloth so it's all good.
  12. Dude anyone he nominated would have received the same treatment and still will if he is replaced. The Dems promised this and delivered. If Trump nominated the religious lady all hell would have broken loose too, just with a different topic being discussed.
  13. There isn't a forum for "Things Kennedys have done while drunk which have been excused profusely by Democrats for decades". I asked once and was given two reasons by the mods: 1. TKHDWDWHBEPBDFD just doesn't have a ring like PPP 2. Only 10 TB is available for use from SDS' service provider.
  14. That reminded me....one time several friends and I went somewhere....don't remember where but we knew there would be a lot of traffic on the way home. We had three cars, manuvered so one was in each lane of the highway 3 abreast and then slowed to 30 mph, maybe less. I was a passenger so I got to look back for reactions. What I saw was not laughter and happiness at our inventive idea. Man that was stupid and could have gotten someone hurt back in the crowd. Some dude went onto the grass median and passed the car in the left lane. We gave up but not right away. I'd say about five minutes. People were piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssseddddddddddddddddd!!! It was the truck behind the middle car that caused us to give up. I think he was seriously about to hit ramming speed.
  15. This will sound weird but I wrote a thread about it a while back. I'm still the same age as when I started drinking coffee.
  16. The whole Supreme Court thing got me thinking about old memories. I posted on PPP but will also post here because although politics reminded me, this isn't really a political topic at all. Do any of you have memories of long ago? It could be something happy, sad, or even irrelevant, but something that has really stuck with you. My example is one of guilt. One day I was minding my own business having some coffee at a little cafe on Main Street when an ambulance went screaming by. I was annoyed by the noise and was glad when it had past. I went back to my coffee and my day without further thought. Later I found out that in the ambulance was my Uncle Eugene. He died on October the 2nd 1981. It was 37 years ago today and I'll never forget it. I still feel awful. I think of Geno every time I have coffee. I miss you dude.
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