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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Lol you assume it is fair. That scenario won't happen but even if it did.....Bama is in.
  2. The unwritten rule that some teams can get away with crap and some can't make it seem like a popularity contest. Steelers won today on a blatant pick. Watch the Bengals/Bills/Cardinals/Brown's/10 other teams try that.
  3. Lol if you think a one loss Bama would be out I have a bridge to sell you ....in Brooklyn. Honestly though in most scenarios a one loss Bama would actually deserve to get in this year.
  4. Morgan is my favorite character/actor from either show and I think the actors on fear do a great job. John Dorrie is awesome. With that said, I agree about this last season. They changed the entire direction, which I suppose I get, but it felt like the last 3-4 episodes were not enough to do anything real new so they did a small Gillian to wrap things up. The whole helping people thing means the season ended where it started only with Morgan at the helm instead of Madison. So they change the whole direction but sonehow ended up where they started. I'll watch the start of next season but it had better be good. As for the main show....ok episode I suppose. They had a time jump but they could at least explain what happened a little. Maggie's baby is about a year old and yet the issues with Negan/Sanctuary/Gregory picked up exactly where they left off. Nothing happened?
  5. Brewers pen sucked yesterday. They should have just started every batter with a 3-1 count to save time.
  6. I'm pretty sure Butch hurt his elbow and did not decide to start sailing throws over the first baseman's head.
  7. Pointing out that he hasn't turn out as advertised is fact based. You may disagree......fine. You also thought Tim Murray was a good GM so there is that. I don't get why you seem to enjoy Allen being bashed but to each his own.
  8. There was more than enough hyperbolic crap in the snippet to fill 6 crappy articles. One needn't read the whole thing to see tons of unnecessary insults. It is sad that some people are so invested in the failure of a 22 year old kid because without it they might be wrong.
  9. I'd blame FRB's but they have been discovered to be Taylor and Kanye's competing get out the vote messages.
  10. I get to be Beathard Winston. It sounds snooty. Common man! That's ridiculous. The corner has clearly changed direction based on Allen committing. If he had indeed looked at or targeted Thomas the corner would not have backed off and Thomas might get a 4 yard catch or nothing. That's it. Getting mad at a still frame taken 2-3 seconds after the snap?
  11. But Josh has had 270 minutes to prepare so it is time to get depressed. The convincing arguments in this thread have made me re-think any points I had about Andrew Luck who is only in his 7th year and needs more time to hit a 6 yard pass on 4th and 5. Is it really fair to judge him on 7 and not judge Josh on 270? To be fair he has hit on some long passes. Unfortunately he hit Foster in the hands, which is a bad spot to hit.
  12. When you break down his 270 minutes of playing time have you divided them into segments? I mean the first 266 he looked like the worst player in the history of football according to that genius guy, but what about that last 4 minutes or so on the gw drive? Can we count that as progress? When you think about it he has probably played about 135 minutes because the Bills are on defense at times so the last 4 minutes is roughly 3% of his career and the most recent 3% at that.
  13. 18 quarters wow. That's 270 minutes. When you put it that way and add in the character who is self promoting you've convinced me. No reason to give him a 271st.
  14. There was a pretty good Black Mirror about this idea but with more to it. For me the bottom line is that power shouldn't be centralized. Giving the government this type of power just has to be a bad idea. With that said, it sure would be nice if parents had a way to find their children if God forbid something like that happened. Some genius might be able to design something someday. An on/off switch controlled by the parent that can be trusted and secure?
  15. The topic was the dude saying dismantling capitalism is the only thing that can save Earth, or at least humanity.
  16. Lol at that but anyway.....the premise being discussed was dismantling capitalism so again.....who would be capped?
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