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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Have you considered the possibility that only someone as crass and vile as Trump could truly expose the heretofore fairly well hidden nature of the democrats and a big swath of republicans? I hadn't, but I sort of think that now. The people that elected him knew there was something wrong, and although Hillary embodied it more than anyone else, it was not just her. Trump has baited them into showing their true colors. I wouldn't want to be his friend most days either, but if he was best able to expose these cretins, then I'm ok with him having power.
  2. I think they should only go to the well once and ban/sequester all mean elements. Carbon....Arsenic is mean....Uranium...Plutonium....there was that one that killed the aliens in the movie Evolution. It's from head and shoulders. Also lead. Money is the root of all evil so gold and silver. Will Elizabeth also impose the tax on the 7 billion non-Americans on the planet?
  3. Right....to a degree. That's why I asked about Meadcoins.
  4. You realize that subjects you to the solvency of government and the whims of the future rule makers, right? How many Mead coins can I get after taxes for this?
  5. I haven't seen it but I read an article stating that it was so scary that viewers actually vomited. I've never even heard of vomiting from fear. Evidently many people slept with their lights on after watching it.
  6. Kim Jung QB has won four Super Bowls in the last 3 years.
  7. I'm not debating that there are many fantasy scenarios in which Luck has won multiple Super Bowls but reality is pesky.
  8. He's definitely the greatest of all time, just like you said. The 2-5 Colts are nine games ahead in their division. The North Korean people live in a paradise surrounded by riches.
  9. Stand in front of your mirror look down and think about the fact that you waited until the Colts beat the Bills like a drum and Luck consistently fooled an easily deceived rookie MLB to come back here and chastise people for pointing out that he hasn't lived up to the greatest prospect of all time hype. Ask yourself if you feel the game against the Bills proves at last that he is living up to the hype. Now look up to the mirror and see how long you can look yourself in the eye.
  10. And finally a reporter informed Anderson that a Bills locker room attendant found Orton's stash of booze and poured it down the sink. It took the sail right out of his wind.
  11. If his comment increased the value of the thread 1000 fold the thread is still a zero. That is the point he was making. The OP's problem is easily so,bed by dropping the good punter and picking up a horrible one.
  12. You want Bon Jersey? Because that is what the fat drunk in Foxboro wants.
  13. Ok I have 2 numbers for the Megamillions. Still need the rest.
  14. I wonder if Edmunds will ever be good. He is athletic enough but he is more easily fooled than Charlie Brown. He hurts the team right now.
  15. You've hit on the crux of the matter. Some people think fetuses are babies while others think they are moldy cheese. The two groups will never agree.
  16. Don't worry. John Kerry is still working on it too.
  17. Hirono has no business calling anyone a sexual predator if she is simultaneously mocking the size of their taint.
  18. Don't get me wrong, not good enough is not good enough. It is the facade that they are even seriously considered that is disappointing. Everything about the NCAA seems fraudulent to me and this is on the lower end of the scale but they are telling schools like UCF a lie. Recruiting violations for hamburgers and helping kids get home for funerals......fake punishments that are quickly rolled back for a school that covered up child rape.....pardon me if I have my doubts about the selection process.
  19. The last few years, with readily available DNA tests, have further exposed the stupidity of categorizing individuals. And yet morons like Warren, and countless others seem to have increased their desire to do so. Pride in heritage certainly has a place, but if we lose individuality we are all screwed.
  20. If any team were to go 2 straight undefeated years including wins in the top 25 and make the playoff in neither, isn't calling them part of FBS a lie and a sham?
  21. He needed to be removed from society for his actions. We can leave his ultimate judgement to the big man.
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