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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Dude, God knows not all of Gregy's stuff pans out. I mean he believes aliens exist despite it being literally disproven by math. But to come back here and mock him when you started a thread about the Russians hacking the election and Trump knowing.......? Seriously....shouldn't you own that first and go from there? On that topic Greggy has shown facts aplenty.
  2. Two beautiful women's jackets in that picture.
  3. I find it funny that the Rams are 7-0 and their game today appears to have a Packers crowd and then some. But we need two teams in LA right?
  4. Borderline was generous. There is no wall at whatever border he was near. There wasn't even a toll booth.
  5. He has to improve. Personally I think he will. I also am aware there is a difference between thinking and knowing.
  6. You're right. He's a superstar. He's better than Singletary. No need to improve.
  7. Dude he got faked 15 times last week. I think he'll get better but if he doesn't he won't be a star.
  8. And for the ricin people and Antifa people too right?
  9. As long as we're placing bets I'll guess a very unconnected guy who genuinely dislikes those to whom he sent mail. He probably has right wing leanings, but not ultra right, and isn't a total moron IQ wise but is below average. I'd also guess that the motive was more mockery than fear and zero intent to do physical harm. If I'm right or wrong, the crap he did wasn't funny. If he is left or right his actions ultimately speak more about himself than Trump, CNN, Biden, DeNiro or anyone else.
  10. It isn't waiting. Life is a journey not unlike their's. When they get here: Some doors will be open and some roads will be blocked. On the road they'll learn that sun downs are golden before they fade away.
  11. I think he passed the screwing up being a dad part when he kicked a pregnant chick to the curb.
  12. I think so. The whole thing is crazy and I think everyone needs to understand all sides. I try to talk to as many people as I can. There is a bartender at a local watering hole and everyone knows she is an illegal immigrant...but I still wanted to hear her story. Sure enough she was a Central American girl. She was raised on promises that didn't pan out. She couldn't help but think there was more to life somewhere else....so here she is. It was a sad story and I probably drank too much while I listened. She was looking out for me though and said Take it easy baby, make it last all night.
  13. Does that mean you've given up on impeach 45?
  14. You may be right but they could increase the numbers if they traveled through the fields instead of along the main roads. They belong among the wild flowers.
  15. I will be so happy if this turns into another Julie Newmar Catwoman gif thread.
  16. What if we get a woman to say Tom Brady did it? We have to believe her until at least Tuesday morning don't we?
  17. Maybe she actually sent them and just put the return label on out of force of habit.
  18. Is that the crypto code to unlock unlimited Meadcoins?
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