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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I think we actually got Ignacius McGyver from practice squad of the Vikings. This dude can help save us from any situation and is a master of the gadget play.
  2. If she was undecided it is surprising that the race was even close. I wonder how his aunts and uncles will vote. I wonder if he an Uncle named Tom that is voting for the other guy.
  3. So congrats to Schopp for the great gotcha question???!!.? Are there any other questions he can throw in there where McD is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't? How about race? Abortion? Gun control? Illegal immigration? Good reporting.
  4. If you type "how many NFL teams have chaplains?" Into a website called Google, the result comes back with a picture of the Bears and the statement "most, if not all, NFL teams have chaplains". Can you explain why you find it unbelieveable that the Bills have a chaplain?
  5. It is a fair question as I stated. But part of preparing it ought to be presenting viable alternatives McDermott had when facing decisions about players of faith. To me, Peterman's primary flaw is arm strength. If others believe it is his religion that is their prerogative. If I were asking McD about Peterman I'd ask him if there were stronger armed QBs and maybe have an example in mind. Maybe McCarron was that guy. Maybe Cousins. Maybe some atheist. Some people of faith push it at others. Some atheists push back. Some atheists bristle at anyone having religion. Some people excel through faith. Some excel without it. If Schopp wants to ask if faith earns a player points in his evaluation process it is fair. If he wants to use Peterman as an example of this, it is UNFAIR unless it can be clearly demonstrated. Asking about an overall philosophy is different than picking on one player.
  6. This is a fair question I suppose if Schopp has an atheist alternative or two he can mention. McCarron and Cousins can't be on the list. Another fair question is if Schopp favors coaches who are strictly secular. There are plenty of questions to ask before delving into stupidity is necessary.
  7. Left tackle under a rookie contract + unexpected C retirement + LG in psycho ward + pre-existing salary cap hell = reporter's ability to imply stupidity/intent. I'll blame McBeane if they don't address the OL heavily this offseason. Until then, we'd have to also acknowledge the removal of Edmunds or at least Harry if we want more from the OL in 2018. And even then I he cap number probably gets lower.
  8. Unless this game includes a scene where a senior slams you into a wall and shuts you in your locker, it lacks realism.
  9. OMG herbivore bait. Cateful. If you guys were any nerdier you might get excluded from the next quidditch tournament that all the cool kids are talking about.
  10. Does any kind of gas count or just tear gas? What if we fart in their general direction?
  11. Ted Nugget heading to the border to cut a new live album. "Intensities in tent cities".
  12. Another thing about Witten: He isn't great when announcing...maybe he'll improve. He is REALLY bad when on camera. He always looks uncomfortable and the lunges around when he is talking. It also doesn't help that he id 6'6" and his buddy is slightly taller than Willie Shoemaker.
  13. Written seems like a nice guy but he isn't a good announcer
  14. Garden variety hippy commie but thinks of himself as a professor commie.
  15. Why should we care what they knew or when they knew it?
  16. Lol at the notion that a UCF could ever make it. ND could schedule The a Citadel every week and if the go undefeated they're in. It's all money.
  17. In the very first post you equated it to Watergate. Russia may indeed have tried to influence the election, sew discord, or both. Many others both foreign and domestic and both above board and nefarious did as well. They always have and always will. The question should be if they got results and if we can lessen the chances of impact in the future. Instead the question has been "how do we pin it on Trump?". Greggy and the facts have clearly shown this, even if he has whiffed on other things. But Facebook pages with broken English are the important thing I guess.
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