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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I guess you didn't get to chapter 9. No thanks to you I figured it out but now my guy has toenail fungus. WTF?
  2. You can't be serious Shirley. There is a difference between a bad call and a call that would never happen if the teams were reversed. Being a Bills fan, you should be able to easily recognize one. I haven't seen ND all year so I couldn't speak to their calls. I turned on Bama for a few minutes after the Sabres game and saw what I saw. Impressive that Miss St was #16 even with 3 losses. It's almost like they grade the SEC teams on a curve or something. With all those tough games like MSU and Auburn, they better watch out not to fall into a trap game against the high quality Citadel team next week.
  3. He fancies himself an emotionless professor commie so he talks down to everyone in high fallutin language and a polite tone. He considers everyone else stupid which is funny when you consider he thinks communism will work.
  4. Dude. That call in the end zone was atrocious. The fumble fits your point, but a phantom block in the back that had zero impact on anything? 0% chance Bama ever gets a call that bad against them. They don't need the help, but knowing it is there in a pinch must be nice.
  5. That looks like the TV map. The Bills game is depicted in gray.
  6. Does anyone know a way to get toilet paper upgrades? Every time I take a dump I have to use the scratchy single ply type. It gave me roids and now my aim is off. I tried to shoot the legendary epic golden bullfrog but at the last second had to scratch my ass. The frog hopped away. I've been looking for him ever since.
  7. I'm not jealous. I'm impartial. You've asked me several times my favorite college football team, and I've stated I don't have one. How is lea lousy in play here? Getting calls like the one Bama got yesterday ought to be embarrassing to a Bama fan. It seems even in this juggernaut of a season, it's not. Underlying doubts?
  8. The fumble was a shaky call but the block in the back was Patiotesque favoritism. And FWIW my aunt Joan used to refer to her time of the month as her crimson tide.
  9. Lol it is 14-7 Bama but ref's say 21-0.
  10. I get the whole "bald guy hates people with hair" thing but the helicopter does not have hair Geno. You need to see somebody.
  11. My uncle Geno talked about that a lot.
  12. If he cleared waivers they could do it but it is after Septeber 1 so no postseason roster.
  13. Plus tapes with stolen signals aren't available until week 3.
  14. That **** happens every Thursday to Boyst.
  15. Hawaii is islands but part of the US/North America just like Madagascar is part of Africa. I know South Frica is a country but it isn't the only one in the South. I think the OP is just messing with everyone.
  16. Is this some sort of game? First the continent, then the region? Is it Madagascar?
  17. I'm seeing a weird dynamic in that CNN, NBC etc. seem pessimistic about Dems chances, while Fox, Drudge seem pessimistic about R's. Weird. I guess I'll just follow the Greggy channel.
  18. They know those once Presidential hopeful morons are toast. They need a new one.
  19. I think the Dems prefer O'Rourke to lose a close race to keep his aura. If he serves in the Senate, his true nature, which is an abject moron, will be fully exposed.
  20. In which chapter do you guys try to work up the courage to ask Daisy to the square dance?
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