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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Why can't an individual be denied a pass? Why do CNN/Fox/ABC gave a divine right to anything? Why are they preferred to any other news organization? Size? There are thousands of media outlets that never had a WH pass. I think it is unfair that Meadcoins Meadia has never been invited, but nobody is complaining about that.
  2. You'll be breaking at least 46 California environmental laws and 6 toothpick laws. Did you see the movie "It"?
  3. Now that Bell cannot play this year and it is a Phaedra Comm Plea that he won't play for Pitt, can teams try to sign him now for next year? There has to be a loophole in there somewhere. One of the owners could sign him to a $18 M contract to do promotional appearances which voids if he move away from that city before mid-September 2019. Something weird like this could happen. I say Redskins; and Snyder hires him as a Washington lobbyist for the team.
  4. The rich guy in the mansion hides tons of gold, cash and keys under his mattress. I got a tip and climbed up the roof, looked through the window and waited for him to leave. He wouldn't. Then I got an idea. Crawl across the roof above his daughter's room. There is a small roofing nail slightly upraised. Tie the licorice whip to it and at the other end Of the whip make a noose and put it around the porcelain doll's neck. Swing the doll out so it slams into the window like that dude in Batman Dark Knight. The dad will come running when the girl screams...double back across the roof go in the window and take his stuff. Make sure to take the keys.
  5. Does our immigration system seek to accommodate thousands of people simultaneously redefining the word asylum because a bunch of commies organized a caravan? Which clause provides for that? My post which you quoted demonized zero people in that caravan yet 75% of your reply was about demonization? Why is that?
  6. I'd say that you're missing the point but that would imply you seek truth. Let's just go with the narrative that almost everyone in the caravan and others seeking to come to America are well intentioned. I have two questions based one that: 1. How many should we allow in overall? In other words, how many is too many? 2. Based on your answer to 1, how should we decide which people should be allowed in? The simple truth is that the people in the caravan are pawns to something most within it do not intend or understand. The fact that there is an organization called People Without Borders which is helping these people get to the US with a supply chain of necessities enabling their travel is a demonstration of that. Does that organization have similar operations under way helping people get in to Iran? North Korea? China? Sri Lanka? Canada? Any other tin pot backward country like that? If not, why not? Why isn't it helping people from other parts of the world get to the US on a massive scale? Why are Hondurans coming the the US so special? Why not Albanians migrating to Tahiti? No borders amirite?
  7. Mathematically impossible although it is his life and his decision.
  8. Other than just being a douche, what value does interviewing OJ provide? What insight does he provide regarding the NFL 2018? Is there ANY? No, there isn't. So congrats to Graham for douching it up yet again. Maybe next week he can get Jon Bon Jersey on his show.
  9. Dude I'm with you. Schumer said Waaaaaahhhhhhh. Something simply must be done.
  10. There is precedent. Since he was approximately 4 months old, Chuck Schumer has said whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! 1,276,354,917 times and every time he got what he wanted.
  11. I'm sure that worked but there is a better way. When you find the first group you kill them all except two. Then take 25% of your licorice whip and lay it on the ground. Tell the two remaining guys to go to opposite ends of the whip, get on yer knees and "START EATIN!!!!". When they meet in the middle the rest takes care of itself like a Disney Cartoon. These two are occupied with each other for a limited time so you have to hurry. Run and find the next group. Tell them to follow you because you saw some homos. They do and them they start being the daylights out of Lady and the Tramp. One guy sort of stands off the the side. Kill the other guys, toss the living one a dynamite stick and tell him to stick it in his pants. He does but then you have to specify you meant the back. If you don't do this it will mess things up later. Take him to the Burlesque show, and tell him you'll be watching ready to shoot the dynamite. Tell him to ask the barkeep about code name "Kegyn Melly". That code name is super secret so the barkeep takes him right away. Instruct him to ask Kegyn for the C. Thom Soulman treatment. She takes him in the back and he looks different when he comes out. By then you've found the Burlesque comedian, an old guy named Jackie. Tell Jackie to teach this guy everything he knows. That will take about 15 minutes. You can just wait or you can hang out with Kegyn. She will do ANYTHING for money but it will take a lot of money. Your choice here. Not worth it though. When Jackie is done the KKK comes out still looking like C. Thom but talking funny and wearing a cute little hat. Tell the guy to take you to the third and final KKK meeting. He looks reluctant and says "Oy Vey" but remind him of the dynamite. When you get there they surround him and he stammers a lot trying to explain but they aren't buying it. They start calling him Sammy Davis Jr. and ask him what he has in the back of his pants. Make sure you told him to say it is his Gefilte fish but that carrying it is making his sciatica flare up. This drives them nuts and now they all confront him, ready to hurt him badly. Shoot the dynamite and all their hats shoot straight up into the air like a fireworks show. It's pretty cool. DO NOT use all the licorice. You'll need it later.
  12. You must have a good brain in your head to make astute observations like that. It would be a shame if it accidentally got smashed in with a pipe wrench.
  13. Neck tattoo did have the occasional stellar game, but having a guy like Hutton changes a lot. Every goalie has clunkers but we no longer have to expect them around every corner. It makes a huge difference. This team is way better even in games where they get outplayed. TB is really good but the Sabres found a way.
  14. You must have been bummed when your friend Jeffrey got whacked in prison. Anyway, my advice to the OP is slice open some silica gel packets from shoe boxes. They say do not eat on them but that is a government ruse. I fed them to my hamster Sammy and now he can talk. In fact, he never stops talking. If you have a mouse you have a bunch. If they all start talking you can locate them all and have a meeting. Threaten them with a cat and tell them to move to your neighbor's house.
  15. I went to Foster's General Store and got some elixir for my toenail fungus but Foster slipped me a Mickey and I got woozy. I managed to stumble out but got tricked into playing poker at the saloon. I lost all my money on 3-7 off suit. I went back to Foster to get revenge. It isn't obvious at first but that guy is a germaphobe. I threatened to cut my toenail and tape it to his toe and he freaked. He told me to take anything I wanted. I doubled my money, got some licorice whip, a creepy looking porcelain doll a broom and a Davey Crockett hat.
  16. Read this morning he is going to walk. Shocker. I wonder if he will get shouted out of restaurants. It's not like Tucker Carlson is his dad or something.
  17. Are you saying a football coach made an evaluation mistake? Doesn't it just make more sense that he is really conspiring to make atheists feel bad?
  18. Synonymous means not having to say something twice. So if they said good guy, and person of faith, those things by definition are not synonymous to whoever spoke them. It doesn't mean Sal thinks they are opposites, just not "the same". My take on Peterman being called a good guy is simply some trying to give him a break as a human being. He is not an NFL caliber QB at this point and probably never will be. That doesn't change the fact that circumstances beyond his control thrust him into a situation where he failed. He simply does not deserve the level of mockery and vitriol he has received. Religious or atheist, Peterman has earned no vitriol from anyone. Mockery? Maybe some because of the bad stats, but at some point jokes cease being funny.
  19. Bama dudes played great for the Bills today. Not sold on Foster yet but I have a good feeling about the DB.
  20. You're not paranoid, just because everyone is against you.
  21. He had 22 chances to put the game away today and didn't. He said as much himself, but forget facts and bask in the 4-6 glory created by a late Jax WR fumble. All the greats rely on that.
  22. Now you hate Religious people? Geez dude. How can I be jealous when I have no rooting interest? My observation is that the playing field is not level. I feel that if it were, Bama would still win. I'd think you'd want one too. Are they the only team to benefit? No. What % chance is there the same bad call would have been made against Bama? The answer is zero.
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