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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Kool aid is yummy. You have a point and I certainly do not believe he is done. I also didn't create this thread. There are other Luck threads here and worship abounds.
  2. By definition if you believe Luck has lived up to the hype, you believe he is better than all of those guys. At least you've owned up to that. Personally I think a lot of them are/have been better than Luck. But he did grind out some division wins in the AFC South so I can see how that eclipses Manning, Brady, Rodgers, Kelly, Marino et al in your eyes. Agree to disagree I suppose. Subjectivity. Seriously? There are threads full of it on this site, and by nature we aren't exactly Colts fans. Listen to/watch broadcast sports. You'll hear his flaws pointed out about as often as you hear about the imperfections of Mother Theresa.
  3. The wrath of the Kim Jung QB crowd be upon you. I have never said Luck was a bad QB. Ever. I have certainly never said anything against him personally in any way. I have been called a hater constantly. He is worshipped as a hero and if anyone points out flaws, which he does have, they are skewered. That is creepy. But I'm the one on a weird crusade.
  4. If he is the greatest prospect since Elway and you believe he has lived up to the hype then by definition you think he is better than: Brady, Rodgers Manning, Favre, Kelly, Marino, Roethlisberger, Bledsoe, Moon, McNair, Rivers, Romo, Wentz, Aikman, Ryan, Newton, Brees, Stafford, Warner, Wilson and probably 10 more that I forgot. I think he has been better than some of the guys listed above. Do you believe he has been better than all of them?
  5. There is a website called Google. Go to it and type in "greatest NFL prospects of all time". Lots of stuff pops up of course. The first article is from USA Today and it has a list of all 4 major sports intermixed. The only players ranked ahead of Luck are LeBron, Harper, Crosby and Duncan. So far he tracks more with Harper than the others huh? The next most hyped football guy on the list is Peyton Manning. Obviously Luck ranked higher as the Colts ditched Manning for him. Gretzky didn't help any of those players? Is Luck the best QB since Elway in your humble opinion? If not, would you agree that he hasn't lived up to the hype?
  6. Ok I guess Luck has lived up to all expectations. You're right. Luck is just like Michael Jordan with his results. I didn't compare Luck to Jordan because Jordan was not as hyped as Luck.
  7. Luck was touted as the greatest prospect ever. So was Gretzky. I think it is more than fair to say that Gretzky became the greatest ever. Luck has not. He has certainly not been a bust a la Brien Taylor or Rex Hudler but he has not lived up to ecxpectations. He is the captain of a .500 team and has made more than his share of mistakes over his career. He has also made great plays. People continue to insist he has lived up to the best ever hype. It is weird.
  8. Sat around the fire eating licorice whip and my horse starts acting weird. Next thing I know there is this weird lightning and a rectangular box appears. Two young guys get out and they talk weird. They say Dude and Whoa a lot. They convince me to get in the rectangular box. The next thing I know there are shiny buildings everywhere and stagecoaches with no horses and I'm giving some speech on a big stage. I have to get back because I still need the legendary salamander pelt. What do I do. I keep asking the dudes but they are dumb.
  9. He was touted as the greatest prospect in NFL history. Somewhere just south of a football Gretzky. In his 7th season he has won zero MVPs, zero championships, zero AFC titles. How did Wayne do in his first 7? He is a good QB but he has not lived up to expectations and people act as if he has exceeded them. It is a weird cult like herd mentality.
  10. All the greats aspire to a 5-5 record in their 7th season.
  11. Dahlin's Interview was classic. Was this your best game as a Sabre? Offense yes,, defense no. Reporter: what went wrong on defense. A: Just some little details. The kid is going places.
  12. Did you really boast about Bama's schedule on the day they played Citadel?
  13. Refs keepBama drive alive. Citadel forces fumble but it doesn't count
  14. I'm sure it will change but Citadel dominated the first 10% of the game.
  15. Unfair. You can't blame him for Allen. He wanted Connor Cook.
  16. Reading between the lines is easy. In the coaches presser he said something like "I tried to explain to Ed that it was a rule...", also it was stated that jackets had to be removed from several other players. That all means that while it may indeed be a rule, it had not been explained to the point where the players knew it. That is on the staff. Oliver reacted in a way that seemed a bit paranoid. He is in his early 20s. If this is the worst thing he has done....big whoop.
  17. I know he was super highly touted, can't miss, generational and all but it is beyond difficult watching Dahlin and trying convince your own brain that he is 18 years old. It's ridiculous. When he makes a mistake there is zero panic. He barely missed setting up an unreal game winner in OT. 18. Nope. Not buying it.
  18. He is young but he isn't cutting it at the moment. At one point it looked like WPG left him get in deep knowing they could just take the puck and get an odd man break. He is too slow to catch up.
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