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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Maybe you're just not a winner so you have no desire to speak poorly of others. Did you ever think of that you loser?
  2. Jackson participated in selecting Mayfield #1 overall. Hasn't that earned him "if you can't say something nice about someone don't say anything at all" status? Winners don't blame others for doing a lesser job and take jabs at them. Immature people do that.
  3. The question wasn't about career success. It was about whether Mayfield was a douche and.....yup. Look at me. I'm a winner. Now I can talk crap all I want and have no class. The fruits of my labor have really paid off. Now I'll cash them in by treating other people like crap. Yay me!
  4. He's been HC for two years now and he was on staff before that. You know there is animosity afoot between him and some players. I hope they keep him two more years because the disdain cyclone has only started to spin.
  5. I'm not necessarily for expansion, just fairness. Expand to 5 or 6 only in seasons with team with a loss that ranks ahead of an undefeated. Let the undefeated in.
  6. I really have no rooting interest in UCF as a team/school. They just happen to be the example of the unfair system. We won't play you but you can't be in because you didn't beat anybody but sure you're in the FBS. It's a joke. I like football and dig the college spirit but there is no point to having a championship when some teams have no control whatsoever over their own destiny. That, my friend, is simply not a championship; at least not for the unincluded. They should call it something other than the FBS championship. Champion of big guys?
  7. Because Ohio State leapfrogged UCF? I get it. No way could UCF stay within 4 touchdowns of Purdue .
  8. Tom has an additional beard named Giselle.
  9. There once was an erstwhile Bills Backer Every QB he liked was a cracker Oh that crazy scout book Gabbert, Bortles and Cook And the best of them all Talleywhacker.
  10. Thank God this isn't another Tom Brady thread.
  11. I bought that book too and nothing happened for a while. I went looking for a while and found the guy. He ran as soon as he saw me. I lassoed him with licorice whip and I think this made him unable to lie. You have to peel back the spine of the book. In it there are magic beans that grow real fast. Climb the plant into the sky but be prepared because there is a villain up there. You can raid his castle for gold so getting rich is true. You can kill the villain. Get his dog to poop and start running around. He will chase you and slip and fall in the poop. He conks his head and is out cold. Raid the gold but don't set it down on the cloud. It falls right through. I killed like 5 people below. The dude will wake up. Let him chase you for a while until he contracts hookworm from the dog poop. He'll die from it eventually but you have to run around for 3 days straight.
  12. Commie health care is absolutely a radical idea in a capitalist country.
  13. Because no abused woman has ever recanted out of fear. Ever. Dude it happens every friggin day. I'm not saying it is a certainty, but to dismiss it as a possibility is absurd.
  14. Does Bama get to use R. Foster now that he is out of the NFL?
  15. Shirley. Proven innocent? Has any other woman claiming DV ever recanted? This is not to say that the whole story is known for certain but proven innocent is not the same as found not guilty. Before he is sentenced to any incarceration he deserves a trial. That does not mean he deserves to be on the SF 49ers. The guy had character flags galore before, and now after the draft. Bama lovers gonna Bama love, but other than that, why bother if you're an NFL team?
  16. I crafted a net from my licorice whip and got him. I also caught this talking yellow rectangular thing with big eyes and an annoying laugh.
  17. You mean the child rape penalty that was quickly swept under the rug? That one?
  18. You can't choke if you aren't good so I'd agree that Harbaugh didn't choke. 0-4 speaks for itself. He is the Connor Cook of coaches.
  19. Bama is very good. One of the best teams ever. The rest of the SEC blows this year other Han maybe Georgia.
  20. Maybe. I'm more a fan of reality than supposition. The way teams like Bama, ND, and others schedule, supposition is all we have. The NCAA/FBS is a farce for telling teams they are eligible for the playoff, which is a demonstrable lie.
  21. They got to play one in a bowl game last year. Otherwise we'll never know because of compelling match ups like Bama/ La Lafayette, or ND Ball State.
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