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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Although you make some valid points, you also fall into some traps here. By lumping people into groups to which only some belong, then calling others out for similar you fall into the Imarubbayouaglu fallacy. Your tone also borders on use of the classic authoratum viadouchey fallacy. You are better than this.
  2. If you can only remember one thing because your memory is shot remember to not smoke any pot. Maybe then the rest of the the memory will come back.
  3. I knew there was collusion in the NFL. How else could 15 teams be in the top five in spending? And 9 of them made the playoffs. If I did my math right, that means if we spend in the top 5 we will have a 180% chance of making the playoffs. 9/5. I say let's go ahead and do it.
  4. It's intersting that the ref's Union is willing to put in writing that they don't view Hughes impartially. Isn't impatiality the basis of their job?
  5. I'm amazed by the way some people make a living. Forensic psychology? Don't all dead people pretty much fit the same behavioral profiles?
  6. I agree with the too many games aspect of your post. I see 2 potential solutions: 1. Stop lying to the UCF's of the world. Just tell them the truth that they are not in any way eligible for the playoff, because they aren't. Leave the rest the same. 2. If a team goes undefeated they should get consideration beyond the norm. In this year's case it would be an undefeated UCF team being considered to participate in a 4/5 play in game versus Oklahoma. If the committee actually considered Georgia better than ND but had no nerve then we are at 6 teams with Bama and Clemson receiving byes. An undefeated team should be afforded a written explanation when passed over and they should get to write a rebuttal which is reviewed before final denial. This ivory tower crap has to go. In years where no undefeated team is left out, leave it the way it is now. I have mixed feelings on conference championship games and think the traditional bowl games are sadly not viewed like they once were.
  7. The actual truth is that college football at the FBS level has about 40 or 50 teams. Teams outside of those 40 or 50 are simply not considered and they are being lied to about being part of the system at all. In addition, 20 of those 40 teams suck out loud most years but will still be considered if they turn things around. In reality, at the beginning of each and every year it is pretty simple to say that the 4 playoff teams will come from a group of about 10. This year, the Pac 12 was realistically eliminated before the season started. The UCF's and Boise's of the world could go undefeated for 5 straight years, and never sniff a bid. Georgia, with two losses was discussed heavily. UCF with zero. They are not in the FBS.
  8. The point is that the largest sample size we have is what, 10 games? It is entirely possible that the ranking in two years is upside down from today. I like Baker but I can't be totally down or totally sold on any of them yet. The closest I am for any of them is being down on Rosen. He just doesn't look like having a ceiling of anything more than the 20-25th best starter in the league when he peaks. Even with him though, it is too early. Look at Goff's rookie year.
  9. I don't think Andrew Luck is "done" so I feel a little bad posting in that thread. I do wonder though what excuse he may have for losing to Kessler and botching another 4th and 1 in crunch time.
  10. Still too early for any of them to get a fair grade, especially Darnold. That said, the man crushes on Baker are silly. If Allen threw 9 million pick six against the Texans, everyone in this thread would be ranking him 5th.
  11. These next games are important. If he keeps this rolling word will spread a bit in locker rooms around the league and we may be able to diminish draft needs in FA.
  12. Spare me any Big 12 lineman who has been blocking high school defenses all year.
  13. Small request 26: When you change the thread title can you use"at" or "@" for roadies and have vs mean home? Thanks for updating the title btw....good idea.
  14. Please remove the derogatory comments about Kim Jung QB or you will be reported to the council.
  15. How many MVPs were 6-6 against a crappy schedule?
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