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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Another Director's cut plot line opens with Gwyneth Paltrow nagging her boyfriend. He locks her in the attic and throws the key in a pond. It is very short, maybe two minutes. I really liked it though.
  2. On show content only Turd Ferguson Murphy Belushi Martin Based on how funny they are overall with no repeating Short....by a mile Farley Spade Rock
  3. Get the director's cut on DVD. It has additional plot lines and they are more realistic. One is about a guy who watches chick flicks on his couch all day while his wife bangs everyone in their neighborhood. It is played by Paul Rudd.
  4. Wasn't the San Diego bit chopper upper a ginger?
  5. Timmy didn't exactly have his finger on the pulse of what makes a locker room tick. I'm done making fun of Lehner once I found out his instability was clinical, but his tenure is still on Murray. I'm glad Bogo seems to do better based on atmosphere and that KO is healthy, but Drunken Donut was clearly a mistake and a waste for the Sabres. Kane was a mixed bag and ultimately not worth the trouble. Murray was basically Dan Snyder with an even worse personality. Maybe without all of this crap Dahlin ends up elsewhere so it is hard to play the what if game, but with even an average NHL GM the Sabres post tank climb goes much more smoothly and rapidly. Murray was the absolute worst and if Pegula had retained him we'd still have a disaster.
  6. Let cooler heads prevail. Take a week and think it through. Then we defend our kicker by taking out Brady's knees and letting Anderson know he is on notice.
  7. Please tell me Gwyneth Paltrow's character croaks in the first minute. Then I'll go see it.
  8. I think Rodrigues has been playing well for a while now. It just seems the puck takes a bounce or he just misses finishing something. I agree on Mittlstadt although he looked ok to me in the 3rd tonight. At presnt, Eichel is carrying the team IMO. He is a beast. Skinner to me seems to be a little off his game despite tonight's game winner. Risto, Dahlin, Eichel are the guys generating chances.
  9. Did none of you get the sublimational threat she was making there?
  10. Does the periphery of his orbit include Kevin Bacon?
  11. We already do, and then some. 2/3 + 58% = 124.666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666% agreeing. My rounding might be slightly off.
  12. If they are tied through 60 minutes then why give a team an advantage by winning a coin flip? Just call it a tie or do something like hockey where you increase the chances of scoring by reducing the numbers of players on the field. 7-7 sounds right. But to avoid the coin flip winner getting an edge, allow the defense 8 players and the offense 7. First score wins.
  13. He has told many many many times of his greatness. Even if it is only 1% true.......
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