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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Name one product ever offered by a company that hasn't tried to build in a method of retention. Next, come to the realization that anyone can find a way to redefine retention as addiction. Technology is simply speeding up the process. How is Facebook immune to the accusations this video game faces? They're not as good at causing addiction? There have been rumors for decades that KFC puts a chemical in its chicken that makes you crave it fortnightly smartass. Maybe they named the game Fortnite as a homage.
  2. I want a Von Neumann probe for Christmas but sitcom math won't let me have one.
  3. I have no evidence for this but you said, and I quote: "/Dev colluded with Girorgio to up his meme count so that Giorgio could run for President of the History channel". I didnt need need any luck, it was easy. Merry Christmas to you too. Pay up bub.
  4. It would not be appropriate for the owners to roll on the field during the game. They can roll down the hill at their house if it keeps them young.
  5. Lets hope he doesn't get stupid on motorcycles or start organizing rape parades.
  6. If you're watching Moonstruck for any reason, you've got a few things to address before booze. If you're using it as source material you should drink more. I barely ever drink but when I do I feel it real quick...half a beer. Two beers and no way would I get behind a wheel for hours. Three and I'm not catatonic, but bombed. I know resistance is built, but I do think it hits people differently.
  7. Hey Tom, I called the researcher and told him You Got Lucky finding those penguins. He objected and said they were living like refugees and hard to find. The interesting part is that they were hiding down there because they were running down a dream and learning to fly.
  8. Doesn't hurt anyone? Lol having a generation of kids growing up thinking pot is harmless is sure to work out well. Freedom? From what? Guilt? 1000 laws won't ever make that happen. And lol to the unregulated market crap. Pot heads care about distribution methods and government coffers? Ok.
  9. Marv should call and ask him where he'd rather be than right here right now. Seriously, who would want off of this team?
  10. I'm not saying it's Santa Claus. But it's Santa Claus.
  11. By the looks of Janikowski he might want to give that a try.
  12. IMO he did a crappy job at everything except hiring a DC. His offensive system was and is an absolute joke and he alienates players, GMs, staff, and administration right down to secretaries. There are far more than 32 people in the world that are better. I estimate it at 10,032.
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