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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. He’s a bit overhyped. Not saying he’s bad, he just disappears for stretches.
  2. Don’t be a fool. Big shaker bought out the mills years ago. They us it to appeal to the snooty crowd. Pepper sucks and is useless. Don’t fall for it.
  3. In all honesty I never really thought salt and pepper really went together. Does anyone use pepper for anything anymore? Salt, sure. Not that it’s good for you. It’s good on corn on the cob. Why are there even pepper shakers anymore? I’ll tell you why. So big shaker can double their sales. Big oil and big pharmaceutical are pretty bad but big shaker is right there with them.
  4. That’s a good philosophy if you like restraining orders.
  5. Don’t ignore the Orioles comment. Use it. His Yankees paid 4 trillion dollars to Carlos Rodon. And you have Rutchsman, Kjerstad, Grayson, Bradish, Henderson, Holliday and mooooooooore for less than the price of Rodon. It’s a comical scenario in your favor. Until the Yankees sign Yamamoto of course, then you’re really in trouble. Oh, wait.
  6. The lack of law enforcement’s ability to catch red headed San Diegan serial killers in a timely manner. This creates a lot of work for me.
  7. 1. Close the border already. Friggin Canadians 2. People hold on to their Ed Oliver opinions for far too long.
  8. Objectivity is your friend. Give it a shot sometimes.
  9. Whoa dude you are in serious need of critical thinking in place of your current wishful variety. Are you actually saying that Newton observed gravity “occurring everywhere”? Really? How did he do that? He lived from 1643 until 1727 on a planet called Earth. That’s a reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaalllllllly small sample size of observations, no? Are you suggesting his theory is invalid or useless? How about all other theories that ever existed? Their dumb too because you’re hoping there are aliens out there? Your living room analogy is pretty bad too. I’ve heard it spun a different way featuring a glass of water from the ocean. There aren’t any whales in typical glasses of water from oceans so…….. The problem is, in that any glass of water from any ocean you can find mountains upon mountains of evidence for all sorts of life. Still, a whale won’t fit so I suppose we’re doomed to ridiculous things being said. The difference in analogies is that you’re trying to say the sample size is too small but your ignoring the actual sample size that has been taken. The corner you’re in has forced you to call Isaac Newton a big dummy. Doesn’t that sound a little off?
  10. Montgomery has played well all year long and you’re simply a salty fantasy owner who bought into hype.
  11. Perhaps you missed the thread moving to Yamamoto, Sasaki and a lack of understanding on how posting works. The actual update is that the Yankees appear hopelessly behind the Dodgers in throwing money around, hopelessly behind 85% of the league in developing prospects and grasping at straws for how to legitimately compete. Their closest baseball comparison is the SF Giants who are having trouble for different reasons but at least have a few players in the pipeline. Their closest franchise comparison is Snyder era Washington throwing money at anything that is past its prime and still drawing breath in an attempt to assemble an indecipherable strategy. The Yanks appear to be heading toward 2024 with a swing and miss lineup that added a 1 year rental great player, a few sparse young players in the midst of being ruined/wasted and few to no bargaining chips. Their starting pitching might be good if healthy though. Should be fun.
  12. It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. Crush some top end team, get destroyed, lather, rinse, repeat.
  13. Tell me you’re a disgruntled fantasy football player without telling me you’re a disgruntled fantasy football player.
  14. In the linked clip he did not call out the fans in any way. He said he understood. The reporter said something about it looking like the team quit. He disagreed with the reporter in a direct but respectful way. Completely professional.
  15. The team is not playing well but Okposo handled the interview well and even if his skills are dwindling, he is every bit a captain.
  16. Then they use circular logic to say their schedule is difficult and justify playing non-conference games like the Chattanooga choo choos.
  17. Most of her videos have nothing to do with alien stuff. I’d recommend checking some out. Very interesting stuff usually. As for the above, if your standard is set at examining every corner of the universe before coming to any logical conclusion about anything, I don’t know what to tell you. It’d be like Newton needing to watch every apple that ever fell off of any tree before beginning to draw any conclusions/theories about gravity.
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