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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Did you fashion a trap from licorice whip?
  2. A lot of moving parts. Some of them line up with it making sense for the Bills. I think one of those is potential synergy with Allen. Many of the parts don't line up though. The "me" thing is a factor. I can see the Bills on the outskirts of this but the teams I see at the forefront: Sea, SF, Saints?, Raiders, Chargers, Colts? Dallas and Wash are always in play for anything.
  3. I think you have it all wrong. They are trying their best to make eye contact but it is impossible.
  4. It's truly awful. Prayers to him and to his wife. Women can blame themselves when things like this happen when of course they should not. I hope they are able to have the children they clearly want. These tough things in life help us all grow and ultimately will help them be appreciative people and parents, but their pain at present has to be unbearable.
  5. The Raiders don't want a QB at 4 but need one desperately at 9?
  6. Is it dignity that prevents them from turning 90 degrees?
  7. I don't get why they're whining about the ref who caught them cheating and did nothing. Was he supposed to conceal it from the league too?
  8. Your team plays fine in the cold and I'm guessing KC will too.
  9. Well I blame Gillette for toxic masculinity. As they point out in their explanation of the ad campaign, SOME of their customers are not massage artists bruts who want to keep women in the kitchen and beat up gay people. But, as they so eloquently state, SOME is not enough. Their ad campaign will educate ALL men to be truly enlightened. This begs the question of where they have been for all this time? They have been sitting back reaping profits from this disgusting country where hair grows from men's faces and women's legs. If they and their partners on Madison Avenue would have taught us earlier about our sick society, we could have known all of this much sooner. They have also failed and continue to fail their stockholders in that they have not yet marketed male leg shaving products. Who are we to let hair grow on our legs? Shouldn't we all be more feminine? Certainly Gillette, who has marketed women's shaving products for years, could have developed a male parallel. And don't ask Gillette why women need to shave their legs. Where do you think they get the extra money to fund ad campaigns telling us all how unenlightened we are? Yes, it is selfish of men to enjoy the smooth legs of a woman, but in the long run it has benefited us all as we have had this wonderful educational ad campaign bestowed upon us.
  10. To be fair, good ole Carl knew nothing about football and was always yammering about imaginary aliens. Why would Miami listen?
  11. Then why the preference for the dead guy? Shouldn't they be equal?
  12. Sorry, I'm not up on the whole part French part English thing.
  13. Why should a pony learn another trick when it amazes the Canadians every time?
  14. A punk and a drunk watch the same old junk.
  15. I know Luck was crappy yesterday and he is very overrated but it's not like he is terrible. Yesterday's game wasn't "normal", it was just a bad day. He was good against the Texans. It does seem unlikely that he will string 3-4 solid games together in a playoff season but as the rest of the team improves he might not need that.
  16. At the risk of reminding of every girlfriend you ever had: You're not doing it right.
  17. Sometimes lives must be ruined in order for the superior among us to desperately maintain the grasp at the straws of theory.
  18. If you feed Azel the licorice whip he actually grows.
  19. First initial = last initial = guaranteed bust. Think Connor Cook , Blake Bortles.
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