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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. It's not the Rams fault but how can they look in the mirror and think they actually won?
  2. Don't try to convince us to root for your Pats to beat the Rams out of some sort of perverted justice.
  3. Saints could have run out the clock, or almost, and got the 3.
  4. Just amazing. If the Rams are aided by a flag on this drive..........
  5. Dude settle down. If she was joking she was joking. If she was serious just try out for another team.
  6. Three game losing streak and 93% of the chowderheads are gone.
  7. Although it is a fact, not opinion, my realization that intelligent life does not exist elsewhere in the universe seems controversial.
  8. Pot heads using the old two wrongs make a right. Classic.
  9. I'll take anyone named Casey or Matthews in the 4th.
  10. I thought all of this crap ended with the 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates.
  11. That's why, in America, they check your bingo card before giving you the cash. Did the Canadians even get suspicious when you claimed victory after only two numbers were called?
  12. Bingo shark versus Canadian synapses. Nice. There is a difference between your scenario and moving in.
  13. $20 and a dimly lit streetcorner gives anyone a chance Jerry. But you have to ask if she's a cop. Proofread dude.
  14. Open borders? Like Canada too? If you define open borders as "anybody, anytime" then do you support the concept of the nation state?
  15. Reminds me of the time when you pluralized tit for tat and volunteered to show that broad your tats. Honestly I can kind of see the point on that one.
  16. Maybe we should study the issue for many decades and never do anything.
  17. I'm on the truth bandwagon. Screaming SJW is no more credible than screaming GUILTY. The news articles had claims and denials. Those are not all that useful in discerning the truth. It doesn't have all the facts but one of the facts is that they resigned.
  18. I would have thought you looked that up before you said they were terminated. If you did nothing and someone told you resign or be fired wouldn't you fight back? Although I agree the SJW stuff is out of control, I also dislike the offshoot of it which is "just claim it is all SJW stuff even if you go around harassing 23 year old women that work in your organization". How about we just go with the truth? Nothing, including the actions of the participants indicates the id SJW stuff so why just conclude that?
  19. They resigned. Your other post said terminated. There is a difference.
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