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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. The bill would also loosen second-trimester abortion safeguards by doing away with the requirement that a state-licensed hospital performs them. Tran’s proposal is part of a disturbing push nationwide from elected Democrats in several states recently, including New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and New Mexico to make “the right” to get a late-term abortion much easier. Watch below as Tran, under questioning from Virginia House Majority Leader Todd Gilbert, explains how her bill would allow abortion at the moment of birth: This stuff is simply horrifying.
  2. Dude socialism is whack but let's stop exaggerating. It can't change seasons.
  3. Ain't no monsters in the closet Because your daddy is up in there wearing your momma's drawers Ahhhhhhh Hahhhhhhhh -Calhoun Tubbs
  4. Calhoun Tubbs wrote a poem about it. Wanna hear it? Here it goes: Beginner's Mind is a ****wit He posts stupid crap all the time. Ahhhhhhh Hahhhhhhhh.
  5. Most Americans don't have a Celine Dion poster taped to their bedroom ceiling.
  6. In August I never said he isn't good. He is good. He simply has not come close to living up to his advanced billing as the greatest prospect in 30 years. That is a fact but people continue to believe he has done everything expected of him. It's weird.
  7. Any rationale to Luck being shutout by the Chiefs until garbage time?
  8. LOL sitcom math was the smoking gun. Why not save us all a few bucks and tune in to CBS Thursday's at 8?
  9. He's a vacuous twit. Male-ish version of Kirsten Gillibrand and possibly even ditzier.
  10. 1. Able to simplify hundreds of complex factors into a state of the world summary using the simplicity of a clock. 2. Unable to properly use the words "to" and "until" 3. Occum's Shaver has its doubts.
  11. There once was a poet Hafiz who wrote about God, birds and trees his portrayals of God looked like General Zod which is why he is loved by comeez.
  12. Doesn't mean much on when it might be delivered. For example, Comey wrote the memo clearing Hillary but waited for his investigation to be done before delivering it. It could be quite while.
  13. To be fair, VGer has seen a lot more of the universe than the two people in hats.
  14. There were all kinds. Tootsie Pops, Charms, Whirlies, Jolly Rancher, Dum Dum....they all seemed guided by the unicorn butt. Their strange shapes seemed to throw the unicorn off his game or maybe the UFO had shields. It was looking grim there for a minute. The unicorn was getting mad and looked like he wanted to yell. He nodded at me and I instinctively knew to throw him a packet of silica gel. He ate it, turned to the UFO, glared and said "Hey you alien ***holes UP YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Then he changed his tactics, and went with a direct weapon: It was game over at that point.
  15. I didn't believe you on this but I'm coming around. Also I just saw a UFO getting set to attack but luckily it was shot down by a unicorn shooting lollipops out of its butt.
  16. It might be nit picky but there is no way to call California early. In fact I'm calling California for the democrat in 2044 right now.
  17. Can we be nice to him for 5 minutes after the play that helped put the Pats behind?
  18. It hit his thumb. It's actually pretty clear. His thumb moved and the trajectory changed.
  19. Announcer said Pats were called for 5 DPI all year. LOL
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