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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Who said pro infanticide beliefs? It allows what LA said it allows on the last page. You say it doesn't because shall means maybe or chocolate means vanilla or whatever but this thing opened a lot of doors,plain and simple. Nobody has to like infanticide for infanticide to be allowed.
  2. Is there an accepted definition of birth here? Crowning? All the way out? Umbilical cord cut? Circumcision? Rolling over? Able to say "please don't kill me"? For decades these people have hidden their intent by calling it "legal, safe and rare", now we're to believe them when they celebrate laws like this by loudly cheering Andy and lighting up buildings pink? We're supposed to believe that an late term abortion could save a mothers life in a circumstance, still unexplained, that a live birth could not. But we don't believe them when they describes the specific of what they want.
  3. Saying it would be extreme and beyond rare is beyond horse *****. Ther is nothing to base that on. The governor described what could happen in his view. Where did he get this understanding? Thin air?
  4. It's very clear that the guv thought it included infanticide and that he would have signed it and that he was cool with it. The sponsor of the bill clearly stated that a woman in labor could abort. You don't think the definition of labor could be "interpreted" by these ghouls? The guv already showed that it would be.
  5. Maybe if he promises to keep babies UNCOMFORTABLE before they are killed the libs can forgive him.
  6. Remember when Donte Whitner wrote the very same thing to you?
  7. He's a commie. Eventually everyone must conform, but if a fake respect for diversity moves us in the right direction then it should be temporarily celebrated. Catholicism evidently can't help so it's ok to throw in lies about what the kids were chanting and ignore the lies of the other groups. Look, we all generalize sometimes I suppose. It's part of human nature. Some people even think all defensive backs should be drawn and quartered.
  8. The poems you've posted can be summarized as: Youre a commie and God sucks and your intent is to bring positivity? Lol
  9. This thread has a special purpose In The Jerk that's what Navin called his dick Ahhhhhhhhhh Haaaaaahhhhhhhh *format credit to Tubbs
  10. You appear to be highly concerned about other people's negativity on diversity in the same post you typed "per usual, Catholics are the worst". That seems weird.
  11. Fatback choked on some Catfish That stupid girl fed him the bone Ahhhhhh Hahhhhhhh - Tubbs
  12. I always thought Cummings could have made even more money off Winnie the Pooh if he didn't name him after a bowel movement. Any thoughts on why he'd sabotage his own work like that?
  13. What a load. Just lap up any crap a liberal rag spits out. Please explain how a woman could possibly be "substantially and irredeemably" harmed after 9 months of pregnancy, by 5 more minutes of pregnancy, or better yet by leaving a live baby alive. The measure purposely uses vague language to create unquestioned judgement calls based on things that simply cannot be measured, thus can't ever be proven. What the governor described could not have been more clear in being a live birth. Spinning it otherwise only shows a willingness to flat out lie.
  14. The mother's womb is not part of the world? Where is it then? The 43rd dimension? How about this? Mom wants baby, is nine months pregnant and asleep. Intruder inflicts an abortion on the unwanting mother who is physically unharmed. What criminal charges should be filed?
  15. Whatever that movie is just stop it right now. For every $237 in production costs, it will lose$237.
  16. How about a woman delivering directly into a wood chipper? That ok? If not, the why is it ok to effectively insert wood chipper through the mom into the baby one second earlier?
  17. In fairness, he did say it was important to make the baby comfortable before killing it.
  18. FWIW IMO the politics of Ginsburg's health would be very interesting if it didn't pre-suppose her death. Her life is more important than her job. Agree with her politics or not, the woman has dignity. Politicians and pundits spinning and twisting to define what should happen to her job pissed away their own dignity long ago. It's ghoulish.
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