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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. How does one become caressingly concerned? Never mind. I don't think I want to know.
  2. At first I thought it was outrageous but then I put myself in the shoes of the clerk and imagined a Patriots hat.
  3. It was a smirk AND a hat. It's abundantly clear that The Post lit this kid up because of his hat. You can listen to what was said about him by supposedly serious news people and celebrities for days. You don't think this would have an impact on a 16 year old? If a group of 16 year old girls waiting for a bus in ***** hats had a far right group began spouting vulgarities at them and then an NRA marcher got in the face of one of them chanting at close range and she smirked, what would have been reported in the Post? Would Comedy Central rate the punch ability of her face? How is this unit different from tobacco suits? Were any of those people on track to knock down hundreds of millions in their careers?
  4. You said "people staging crimes". Look at your own quote. If you look up the definition of hoax that will also help.
  5. This thread convinces me that Tibs "opinions" are all fake.
  6. Understood, but they do have arrows so there is some distance advantage. The other group can bring in a million walkers any time though. Also, Judith has a gun. I doubt they let her be the owner of the last available gun.
  7. A guy on the show got tricked by a love interest and almost got beaten to death with a hammer. I don't think she had time to chop him to bits.
  8. I'm loosely aware of the comic and pictured Alpha's intro differently. They took a lot of mystery out of it too soon IMO. I am interested in how Alpha got followed and didn't just end up dead 5 minutes after going outside. Even if the main group doesn't know how many there are total, why not just mow them down? They seem all about close combat without many guns. Just shoot them from a distance. Maybe that would be stupid.
  9. For whatever reason I wasn't impressed with Alpha's debut. IMO they messed up the back story because of Lydia's brainwashing/confusion and Alpha's accent sounded stupid. She did not, in that brief moment seem like anyone that would be followed. I hope they develop that a little more. The girl playing Lydia did a nice job but Henry would have been more careful. He looked like @Joe in Winslow seeking an online date.
  10. A lot of parents tell their kids to hurry home if they spot a white van with no windows lurking about. Maybe that's why you never see anybody.
  11. Fast forward 10 years or so, take into account advancements in video editing, and reimagine this story. The world is not going to be so easy to figure out.
  12. Was I the one that claimed the country was crumbling because Trump got pissed about Alec Baldwin or was that you?
  13. How are young players going to develop by playing the same crappy am excited over and over and over? They appear to be getting worse actually. There is no on ice leadership and progress does not show itself. Resignation is more likely than advancement under current circumstances. Where is anyone showing any fire at all? Maybe they will when they are drafted by Seattle.
  14. Of course not. The standard remains what is has always been....what are standards if not permanent? 1.If a conservative says something, anything, flip out because it is a clear sign that our world is about to crumble. 2. If a lib does something, ignore it because it is only protecting us from part 1. Not sure where Clintfits in but wherever he does, it's not his fault.
  15. She handled it well but she does look like Gilbert Gottfreid in the screen cap. Is it wrong that I wanted her to sound like him too?
  16. He should definitely be quiet about it if he is going to go after political adversaries. Clearly it won't bother anyone on the left if he just has the IRS endlessly shake down groups and individuals.
  17. I'm sure this is part of it, and frankly consider it legitimate. I don't know if is all of it. How much did Amazon add to sales tax coffers I wonder. Credits for past losses will someday run out and it sure looks like Amazon will be making a lot of money moving forward so patience will net a good sum. Now back to bloodthirsty zeal.....
  18. Thanks for the civics lesson commie. 3.4% of our population did not follow the rules our government set forth. What percentage is too much? What other rules can be ignored without consequence? Slowly marching toward communism is appealing to you. I get it. At least come clean about it.
  19. Do the MAGA hat attacks on Native Americans count in that number?
  20. And yet an open border is what we have to go with the dialogue you desire. That dialogue is about 40 years old.
  21. I agree but Bott has to have higher expectations of playoff spot Hannah we'll make it in 5 years. They are such a mess on the ice though. That has to be addressed.
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