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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Although I do think leaving the "Muslim" out of "Muslim wuss" would have been preferable, I'd prefer occasionally reading something cringeworthy to having a commie like you draw lines everywhere.
  2. OMG he beat denied your team their divine right to play in the Super Bowl a couple of times. Get over it.
  3. Wrote a song about that. Wanna hear it? Here it goes That dude says that he's independent but he pushes his dumb commie poems Ahhhhhhhhhh haaaaahhhhhhhhh Tubbs
  4. They should have shown a highlight video of him moping around the locker room, giving interviews about his own lack of passion and drunk driving into a Tim Horton's. Losing Babcock is a distant second to the hiring of Tim Murray. It was likely also caused by Murray.
  5. Have I ever explained the value of DBs to you by using parallels with chess?
  6. Zuck seems to have come close to stealing Mark Davis' haircut, which is copyrighted.
  7. Have the Giants already determined that Lalulalualettula is worthless?
  8. Big deaths at the end of every season. They always make it someone we learn to like. It will probably be Henry but geez it better not be Judith. That little girl is really a good actress. And it's a great character, much to my surprise.
  9. But maybe Maduro could convince Trump that America should come around to the Chavez/#34 vision. Trump, being an evil capitalist should be easily swayed. Here is a preview of the encounter:
  10. You're living in the 80s dude. Back then Reagan tricked everyone into thinking communism wouldn't work so of course it was a foreign policy jackpot. Trump can't run that game anymore because Chavez has shown the world the glory of the system that Bernie and AOC can bring to our shores.
  11. Who needs to invade and steal their things when the democrats can take their ideas for free? Then we can create our own things.
  12. Housley saw massive improvement last night. We scored over a trillion times as many goals as we had in the last three games combined.
  13. McBeane liked Cam Newton and he stole stuff too.
  14. Great. He's good at saying nice things. Can he play? Making the target look like a headstone seems like a bad idea.
  15. Lol remember when that corpse beat you guys in the Super Bowl? How about that other time?
  16. In this case the victim is a 4-5 year old kid who either has a broken arm or doesn't. That must change things somewhat, no?
  17. You said there is probably nothing to it because he hasn't been charged. Can you elaborate or will you just continue making statements and not explaining them?
  18. I was actually trying to cut you a little slack because you didn't say he wouldn't be charged.....you said he didn't do it. As an FYI, there are things called "investigations", typically done by "investigators". They ordinarily take some time. Interestingly they are not done in public.
  19. If they don't charge him in 10 minutes they never will?
  20. If the Sabres gave out clear plastic bags, 42% of their season ticket base would have used them to mimic the team and suffocate themselves.
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