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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Give it the Joe in San Diego treatment and chop it into little bits.
  2. I'm sure they just lived at the massage parlor and slept on tables for months upon end because of their freedom. You better run if you're going to catch that turnip truck.
  3. Ok right. Your next critical word about Kraft will be your first. The fact is that scores of people have been enslaved. Hopefully the appropriate people will be put away. I understand that the reprobate Kraft merely enabled these cretins. It's too bad that his flock of lawyers are gumming up the works for law enforcement and their limited resources, but Kraft is more important than all these slaves and must be protected. If he simply admitted what he obviously did, it would help build a case against the main culprits but so what? Those chicks are just pawns with meaningless lives.
  4. There are four people on the list in total. Falk has to be fourth. How "far off" from a 123 perspective could anyone be? From a reality perspective, ranking Darnold ahead of Brady is definitely far off.
  5. I'm the one obsessed with Kraft huh? From deflate gate to inflategate or whatever this is called you've written quite a number of posts defending him using half truths and innuendo. I can't recall spy gate stuff you may or may not have written because it was a long time ago, but I can easily imagine where you stand. I sort of get it. You're a fan. But dude the world does not revolve around your Pats or even the NFL. These women have clearly been severely abused and have had their lives stolen from them. They also don't speak English and fear for their families back home. Law enforcement's job is not easy here. But by all means please paint them as simply out to get Kraft. They hate us because they ain't us! Amirite?
  6. LOL. Nothing is happening to Brennan or any of the rest of them beyond their exposure to the 8% of Americans that noticed. They'll soon be back with another round on the offensive. They never ever have to play defense.
  7. Thanks for the shout out. With all the digital technology in theaters these days, it is nice to be reminded of the good old days of projection. I have no desire to see videos of your team's owner using a slave to get off ever; under any circumstance. I'm also not all that concerned about an invasion of this fat drunk reprobate's privacy. Granted, it isn't exactly what should happen in the ideal world if he is acquitted. It would also be the trillionth time something is made public that should have remained private. Your hero and soon to be martyred innocent victim's fate would be a mere pebble in the ocean. I'm sure there is some game playing going on by law enforcement wrt the video. The billionaire owner has 3,217 lawyers crawling up their butt every day to protect him. Who cares if the human slave traders benefit as a side effect? Just a guess but that might tick off hard working, if imperfect police officers and DA's that watched women be enslaved with no way out while a billionaire rolls up in a limo and takes advantage. Maybe they're just playing the one card they have in the stacked deck. But by all means mock them for picking on poor poor Bob.
  8. Dude. It ceased being a secret when your mom found the used Kleenex on your bedroom floor right below the Celine Dion poster.
  9. This must be tiring. You could probably use a vacation. I know someone that has an Airbnb in San Diego. Actually she is a friend of someone who hates me. She keeps it real nice and checks in all the time. It doesn't hurt that she is a super hot redhead and pretty wild if you know what I mean. Shall I get you her digits?
  10. Trump peed on a masseuse in Florida. Bob Kraft got a whiff and reported it to Mueller who let him walk.
  11. Once they named an offspring Derek your family ceased being Italian. Pay up.
  12. That's set out west isn't it? There are a lot of beautiful places out west. San Diego comes to mind. Have you ever been there?
  13. He dominated the game and took 8 shots total. Incredible vision.
  14. This kid from Murray State plays like John Stockton.
  15. Such a unique talent. I loved watching him play.
  16. What do you think of the topic of this thread, Tulsi Gabbard? I'm interested to hear. Also, don't you think she'd look even hotter if she were a redhead?
  17. How would you know that if I haven't given you the cypher key yet?
  18. Did you check the shoes and the makeup compacts? Anyway now that you're in, you'll have to stick to the plan. The fact that the Padre Cadre is still keeping track of you is surprising given your looks and personality but it also gives us a clue into their standards, which are clearly low. This will work to our advantage. That said, they have enough resources to assign you a "fiancee" so they are also relentless. I can help turn these lemons into lemonade for you. At the end of the process you will maintain your fiancee but she will now actually be allied with you, not the Cadre and they will be off your back. Step 2 is convincing them that you have found a suitable replacement who will supply them with food, leather goods and various accessories made from body parts originally designed to be yours. I think we can do this and if we catch a few breaks we can even have your fiancee talk to them about the credibility of the offer. When the time comes, and not before, I'll signal you to tell your fiancee that you know me. I will use my code name and trust me you'll know by the look on her face and the quick calls she makes to the 619. Step 3 is convincing them you will keep quiet about the whole thing. The backup plan will be to cut off all your fingers and remove your vocal cords but this is a last resort so don't you fret. Let's face it, discretion and discipline to not project as your strong suits. We have to change that. It will be tricky but I have a few ideas to explore. Step 1 is selecting the proper candidate to offer up. As you may have noticed by reading between the lines on this board, there is much desperation to get laid which leads to being easily duped. I see no reason to befriend someone at the dry cleaners, we'll just pick from here. Still, there needs to be something unique about the candidate and it needs to be someone they cannot just snap their fingers and lure. This means no Poojer. The way I see it we have some good ones. I've encoded their names here to protect their anonymity. Send me a PM and I'll give you the cypher key: TC Dom - High risk high reward. I doubt she'd get through her whole ritual without getting super angry. He could end this whole thing by convincing the redhead her to put an end to it all. He could also spin her into a rampage that would make John Wayne Gacy seem like Tim Tebow. Reranged Dhino - Not a good candidate because she'd never get credit for the murder. It would all be on the Illuminati or aliens /Nev/dull - A possibility. Super nerdy and some of these chicks get off on that. Let me think this through. CD in KA or BA Lilz fan- maybe she likes vanilla ice cream but redheads usually don't go that way. Others - I'm open to your ideas. I also have a wild card candidate I'm holding back. Top candidate so far: Meginner's Bind - Stupid poems could make her curious, at least initially. Maybe we could buy enough time that she gets through the whole cycle without realizing he is Tom Tuttle. Thoughts?
  19. Truly transformational president? How about adults learn to act like adults? What Trump said he said once. It wasn't hard to understand. Selected parts of it were then repeated 1000 times and redefined what he said. An adult could spend 30 seconds and figure out what really happened. Today, the left dominates the narrative, tomorrow who knows? Either way, being an adult is a decent defense. Not to mention transformational presidents aren't exactly the plan unless they're named Mao or Lenin.
  20. After reading this, is anyone here still against the border walls?
  21. Dude. They're both women and you're you. Just check the makeup cases ok? And if you find something don't panic. PM me details and I'll come up with a plan. If you want this thing between you an the San Diego crew, let's call them "Padre Cadre", to end there is a way to do it. Let me know if you're interested. You'd have to toss any notion of morality to the side which should be easy for you, but you'd also have to keep quiet AND convince the Cadre that you would.
  22. I would have thought that redhead was tracking Manny Machado by now but if you're "going to the backwoods of Maine" clearly there is still danger. And yes I realize backwoods means mountains and Maine means some other state, but so does she. About this fiancée. Careful. She could be in league with your tormentor and her "brother/mother/whoever else". It will be difficult because there will be no obvious signs. Don't bother with her phone, computer, etc.. Check out stuff like her makeup kits and shoes for communication and tracking devices. Are all the dogs yours or did she introduce one?
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