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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Kraft is an idiot for doing what he did. I agree his alleged crime is not all that serious. I do not share the opinion of the other Pats fan in this thread that because there have been no trafficking charges that no trafficking occured. To be clear, to me, there is zero reason to believe Kraft participated in the trafficking. But assuming that it would be easy for law enforcement to prove trafficking when the women involved can't speak English and likely fear for their families in China is ridiculous. That job was always going to be difficult. Did they take the wrong approach? Probably. Does that make what Kraft did legal? No. At least one person thinks everything is fine because the whacker offer was a manager. That's just weird. I will say that I find it really strange that multiple billionaires were going to the same run down strip mall for sexual favors. Personally I also find it disappointing if nothing is being done behind the scenes by the johns to at least try to assist in the larger matter. Maybe it is being done. I realize that they are not obliged to help but the women are human and if this is their plight I'd find it unconscionable for these johns to ignore it.
  2. The root cause is still Murray, but it remains to be seen if Botts is the solution IMO. Off ice a miracle worker couldn't fix what Murray broke in just two years, but has Botts improved it enough? On ice they are clearly lacking talent and equally clearly poorly coached. Bad combo.
  3. I'm trying to do the math to figure out how the Sabres climb the mountain and get to the top with Eichel still on the team. This second cycle of ineptitude would wear on anyone. I like him a lot and I think his circumstances have been unfair but he really hasn't taken on the mantle, at least not visibly. I'd bet $$$$$$$$$$$$that he simply wants to be on the Bruins. I think Skinner is as good as gone which creates another gaping hole. Murray's picks have all sucked out loud, every one of them except Eichel. Bott's pickups are still a question mark. Seattle is truthfully in a better position at this point because there is no recent history of failures to overcome.
  4. Huh? Are you saying he didn't do anything illegal or just that he'll get another happy ending at trial or both?
  5. Wtf do I care? It isn't remotely plausible that he didn't commit an illegal act. Your obsessive fandom has blurred your vision. I'm sure his billion dollar legal team can find a loophole or dupe a jury. Whoop de friggin do.
  6. Lol are you seriously saying Kraft just met his girlfriend for a little afternoon delight? Dude it is sad and pathetic.
  7. Soros' personal mission is against overzealous prosecutors? Shirley, you can't be serious. Any comment on the waste of resources spent by police when this was assumed to be an actual crime? 10k does not begin to cover it.
  8. Well, logic has clearly passed you by so explaining your "rationale" to anyone will be difficult. Are prostitution and brothels legal in Florida? Is it different if your hooker is the Madame herself?
  9. He's waiting for Bon Jersey's Asian cruise.
  10. You keep using the word manager as if her title somehow exonerates him. Can you explain how that makes any sense at all to anyone other than die hard Patriots fans?
  11. Is that some commie phrase I'm supposed to recite on May Day?
  12. Ignoring truth is generally a bad idea and since truth was the biggest victim, I disagree. As as an individual I can certainly ignore Jussie and most likely will. But if you think it is healthy for a society to encourage behavior like his by letting it go unpunished, you are mistaken.
  13. They think you're a moron but love you anyway?
  14. Beginner's Nind or Calhoun Tubbs for poet laureate?
  15. One part confused for a minute. I thought character x was character y. I'll save the names for a day or so to avoid spoiling. Character y was there at the end for S's speech and I thought wtf?
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