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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I once had the fastest 3 cone drill ever recorded but I retired because of the ice cream headache that ensued.
  2. She looks enough like code name Ennifer that if Sage or Beerboy lurk in this thread their PTSD will kick in.
  3. Wait a minute. Madden crowds are fake? I mean the Atlanta Hawks I can see but Madden?
  4. Don't make me root for the green new deal. People who eat those things have something wrong with them. The most annoying thing is when they pronounce an r as if it were a w. Get a friggin hard roll douche bags. And when tf did scones become a thing? It's like the hardened jello at the bottom of a dish but in muffin form. The best part is not knowing the difference between "apiece" and "a piece". Wait a minute. Are we sure she wasn't using a croissant sharing program like Uber and the workers ate the other pieces?
  5. This Biden thing is clearly a Dem hit job and they want two wins out of it. The first win is for the even more commie than Biden candidates and the second win is when they all blame Republicans. For Pete's sake the women making the charges is a dem politician and the story is about right wing trolls.
  6. News flash:. The BuffaloBills have signed ten free agents this off season, many of which had other options. Sources say that it appears That's No Moon's geographic preferences will have no impact on Spain's decision.
  7. If they think the available QBs suck, why would they take one?
  8. You may be of the opinion that whatever Skinner is witnessing behind the scenes makes him think this is the best of 31 potential places for him to be. I think that is very unlikely.
  9. Did you....YOU...really just START a thread by stating one of the best things in life is being in a prone position and letting someone take a razor to your neck? And you wonder why the Padre Cadre still lurks around every corner. I'm not sure I can help you any longer.
  10. I have news for you Mr. Wawwrowrrwworow. Obsessing over bands that dress up as giant eyeballs and who can't carry a tune to the dumpster doesn't make you a music snob. It's just weird. That said, thanks for the football update. Can you clarify as to whether the trade up is for the pipsqueak from UMass since he is on 92% of the mock drafts published on this board?
  11. Didn't he suck up useful development time from some deserving Murray draftee? He he is a good player but he wasn't good enough to move the needle on this be a horrible team and now he'll leave. How is that good?
  12. Yeah ok. That's what the vampires thought before they fought over Kristen Stewart. All of that blood and she turns out to be a lesbian. Nobody ever said they were smart but they do exist. He had to summarize it so he could find out what was in it.
  13. Down thread people are asking you for evidence of the Texas, NATO and Brexit stuff but I'll take your word for it. That said, can you provide any evidence that Hillary wants people to have a voice in government?
  14. Good deal for Skinner? Watching some dude score a bunch of goals for a crappy team then skate away returning nothing is a good deal? What's a bad deal look like to you? That is a glass half empty viewpoint. John's half full glass says we're only slightly behind Seattle.
  15. G Get bent. If it makes you feel better I think the other biilionaires and people of influence are equally disappointing as Kraft. Maybe I should go on the Goldman Sachs board to complain about some of them. This is a football board.
  16. Because no one having the title "manager" has ever been coerced into anything or under duress of any type. I hope this incident didn't ruin her chances at being the next Microsoft CEO. I'd think maybe Kraft could use some of his pull to help her out but he will probably mostly be pulling himself at this point.
  17. When the commie ratio gets too high the stupid ratio always follows.
  18. The Earth's poles are shifting and it is starting to show.
  19. I walked into a massage parlor when I was on vacation in Florida and I was really stressed out. They went above and beyond to relieve me of........oh wait, that wasn't me, it was Bob Kraft.
  20. Most of the players have gotten progressively worse over the course of the season. That is not the typical mark of a good coach.
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