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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I agree that Skinner may want to return. I didn't at first but then I walked outside and a unicorn was farting rainbow colored lollipops all over my front yard.
  2. None of them have ever done anything wrong and we are all just jealous. It's another stream of "you hate us because you ain't us". I wonder if he goes on Jets and Dolphins boards and does the same stuff.
  3. I had a similar thing where I saw a book that included Rogers Hornsby. Does anyone know what happened to him? Why was his first name plural? Is he related to Bruce Hornsby?
  4. Just opinion....To me it seems like both Ben and AB are bad teammates and that Ben is worse. That said, AB's risks in the locker room are real until proven otherwise. Any team could use his production and the money is inevitable. The question is whether it works for a team to have an all about me guy out there and/or if they can tamp it down. We won't ever find out how it would have worked for the Bills. 30 other teams also won't know. The Steelers probably are in love with all the drama this offseason and Ben won't be around forever. I think they handled things poorly. The Raiders? We'll see. I don't worry about the coulda woulda shoulda coming from our local Pats fan.
  5. May 1 is a big day for commies. Maybe they could hold an event to show how much they care about CO2 and they could all hold their breath for fifteen minutes straight. Duct tape. No cheating. I have a feeling they'd save way more CO2 than even they thought.
  6. I'm arguing with the commies who have the same solution to health care, global warming, real or perceived inequalities of every type, the designated hitter rule, and problems that haven't even happened yet. Sorry if it felt like I was singling you out.
  7. Ok commie. If if the USA disappeared from the face of the Earth at noon today would global warming be solved? How about if just the Republicans disappeared? Communizing world economies, as is quite clearly the goal of many charlatans screaming for climate change, would not solve global warming any better than it has solved anything else. US Rebuplicans are among the last bogeymen available. In truth, more capitalism is the proper path.
  8. Need Everyone Cooperating Keenly. There. Ow it is the Pencilneck act.
  9. Is the guy supposed to save all the used ones in case they are needed as evidence?
  10. The Residents went through three phases. When a couple guys quit they became The Replacements. I think they stopped dressing like eyeballs but still sucked. Then when some more quit they did the theme from Friends which also sucked.
  11. The Replacements were your favorite right? They dressed up like giant eyeballs. They also had crap songs like Santa Dog. Genisis dressed up like tree stumps and sang crap songs like Sledgehammer.
  12. @Joe in Winslow 's internet date
  13. You had glasses, filled out the form first like a nerd and were in California. She probably thought you were Harry Potter and gave you special treatment.
  14. I'm not sure that guy hates the big guy as much as your other poets but he was probably pissed about his big schnozzola. Anyway that crap is basically ashes to ashes but snooty and without hope.
  15. By definition there should be 32 guys with first round grades except in years when the Patriots have been caught cheating again.
  16. Political Poetry Jam on MSNBC. Weeknights at 8. I wrote an intro song for it. Wanna hear it, here it goes: Snap your fingers like you are a beatnik And our commie will read you some poems. Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh Haaaaahh
  17. I think they are beyond dumb for doing this. The hit on Biden is clearly dem orchestrated. They can get away with it because whoever they go after is simply deemed the bad guy a la Kavanugh. If it fails, their pawn accusers can just fade into the background, if it succeeds they clear the path for whatever idiot they are supporting. Stuff like this gives them a second win because they can blame the whole thing that they orchestrated on Republicans. Sound familiar? Obviously we can't really know but although I find some of the Biden stuff creepy......especially the stuff with kids, I doubt he is actually some sort of predator. Maybe there is something behind the scenes that makes him deserve this.....like he has been told to stop100 times, but it is probably a hit by a candidate with funds burning a hole in their pocket or some vindictive party leader who needs control over everything including the cloth that wipes it from memory. And to solve that problem we should be able to get health care provided by the government because reasons.
  18. As long as we don't call it socialism it will definitely work. That's genius but I think we should take it one step further and give it a new catchy name like magicnomics or something.
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