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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Pay no mind to what they say doesnt matter anyway I love Cecille
  2. They have a 5 year plan for that guy
  3. Despite a gigantic staff, this guy does less than Jason Botterill.
  4. We haven't been patient enough. Seattle makes playoffs, Buffalo makes playoffs, Notre Dame repaired. Which happens first?
  5. This in a year where only 18 guys have a first round grade leaving 14 teams picks useless.
  6. Your post makes the assumption Botts is aware he needs to hire a coach but this is golf season. Don't assume.
  7. Spoiler alert: the redhead chops people into tiny little bits and her mom eats the evidence. Bosch solves this by reviewing victims Skype histories.
  8. Even though you have no idea who is available at 25 but not at 40?
  9. Haven't we already used our 2nd on Andy Isabella?
  10. Running like Frankenstein also doesn't help.
  11. To be fair, John Smith's head has been pretty much useless for over 200 years.
  12. Excuse me while I kiss this guy.
  13. The real history of pot: Like what if what you see as red, I see as blue and what you see as blue I see as red? Whoa dude. The guilt potheads feel and lay at the feet of others is limitless.
  14. To be clear, I think next year will tell a lot about Mittlestadt and I hope he succeeds. I stated that in my original comments. I have concerns based on this year but that is all. If he shows no progress next year, my expectations will be lower. I agree about the veterans.
  15. Don't worry, Botts is looking for a coach. He is also looking for hi @$$ with both hands. So far both efforts have been fruitless and golf season is upon us.
  16. Connelly and Ennis were too small and weak and that is Mitlestadt's trajectory. I get that Connelly's issues were noggin related but if not that it would have been something else. Your 72 year development plan for Mittlestadt is depressing. Must every single team in the NHL go from good to bad to good again before the Sabres win anything? There simply has to be something drastically wrong. I honestly think Seattle will make the playoffs before Buffalo.
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