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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. You got an lol emoji from Bob on that. Lucky you said crazy pill instead of wacky weed or else you'd have made an enemy instead of a friend.
  2. Bring Jason Botterill and see if we can get a refund?
  3. C Thom is in it! Gregg's in. And Beta from The Walking Dead.
  4. I more get the feeling that Botts approaches this process like he approaches Powerball. Hope for luck. I like his personality much more than Murray's. His results have been similarly horrendous.
  5. The real mystery is why after watching this did Housley continue to run these broads out as his second line night after night?
  6. In 2005 I knew they were commies. In 2019 I can see that they are commies. I've learned nothing. Neither have they.
  7. Dude half of your threads are 265 pages. And that's just in the OP.
  8. And yet Rex anointed Ragland the best player on the team.
  9. Reporter made some good points but also likes bands that dress up like giant eyeballs so who knows?
  10. I never read past the CK stuff. And I don't think he was a clown. He was a dope parroting commie crap taught to him by his girlfriend. It's his right too. It's Bosa's right to call him a clown as well. Sadly I think it is possible that the SF press never lets this go and it has an actual impact on his career.
  11. Bosa has to realize he is now in the most tolerant city in the history of the world so views like his can't be tolerated.
  12. Thanks for this. I predict your #14 prospect, Hooker, goes to the Pats after some rare interference from Kraft.
  13. NY state flag has two chicks in a bondage ritual, Virginia flag depicts violence, Mass hole flag promotes their own Senator's presidential bid and these are ok?
  14. Which you never will. These people can run out an 8 year clock. A four year clock is child's play.
  15. I don't think Miami is any good and I think they will lose a lot of games this year. If they do they will draft very high and probably take a QB. Rosen could well be right back in this spot next year. I don't like him but this won't be his fault. He has a mountain to climb right now and he is honestly set up to fail. Side note....he may be the one person on the planet that can't get along with Fitz. He'd better try because I think Fitz can help him. I find it interesting that Fitz has been golfing and goofing around with Allen and Sam Donald. Rosen won't do that.
  16. We already got Oliver yesterday. Try to keep up.
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