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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. They would also avoid the word pedophelia and call it something else.
  2. All teams have some tool fans but the Patriots have the most.
  3. Nice try with the Peter Pan links but nope. Chris Carter:. All he does is write bad TV shows.
  4. LOL @DC Tom I think he meant Vince Culley. Vin Scully is the serial for Mulder's partner's car.
  5. Who the heck is Vin Scully? Did you just make up a person? I think you have to be famous to get the MOF.
  6. You're just salty because you don't get to see Obama's brackets anymore.
  7. First and foremost:. Get bent. Also: It doesn't matter that the Sullivans managed the team poorly. If they had folded it, the Patriots would not exist thus Kraft would not have been a fan. Granted it is a big market so expansion would have landed there in the form of the Boston Mass Holes or some such. You're mistaken or possibly in a Kraft like drunken stupor if you think being in Buffalo has been bad for the NFL.
  8. He wouldn't have been able to buy his tickets unless Ralph had bailed out the Sullivans because the Patriots wouldn't exist. IMO if he were a fan of the team he'd know their history and if he were a fan of the sport he would avoid putting his knife into the Bills backs.
  9. Okay turnip truck. These women were all smart enough to get to America from China all on their own and achieve their dream of pulling seventy year old appendages but they can't figure out how to rent an apartment. That seems realistic.
  10. He's a flaming douche bag who has actively tried to get the Bills extracted from Buffalo. This after framing himself as a fan who bought a team. If he were really a fan, he'd know there would have been no team for him to buy in the first place without Ralph and the Bills and by extension their fans. Eff him.
  11. I saw a new to me angle on the news and can see why it was tough for the stewards. It was a little more sudden than I thought. Still, the root cause was the impatience of the rider of the 1 going to a spot where he didn't belong.
  12. Marchand has purposely done things that could have easily paralyzed, if not killed, his victims on several occasions. There should be no tolerance for that but the league will wait until he actually paralyzes someone. The punk punch to the back of the head isn't really in the same category but Columbus has turtled to it instead of responding.
  13. I agree with you that it was a bad call but not for the same reason. The rider of the 1 is a bad rider and does stupid stuff like what he did there quite often. There was no hole for him to go through with the 7 on his inside and the 16 on his outside. His impatience almost caused a catastrophe and may have also cost his horse a better placing. The 7 drifted out on the turn like many horses do. He did not drift a lot. It isn't the same thing as coming out on someone in the stretch. The 16, although probably about to tire anyway, took the worst of it. The 1 took a bump for sure but it was his jockey's fault for letting him get on heels. Wait until the lane. Know the situation. When the 16 fades, take the spot and maybe even win the race. Saez simply rode the race the way it should be ridden and the horse drifted a bit. It was not an egregious amount by any stretch and was not inconsistent by much if any against what can be expected on the turn. Gafflione's stats look good but are built on getting good mounts at a second tier track. He often is clueless in competitive races but very few have 20 horses. He usually just causes his horse to lose if he faces any adversity. He belongs nowhere near the Derby at this point in his career. Saez on the other hand is one of, if not the very top jockey in America. The Ortiz brothers and Flavien Prat can make a case, but Saez is right there. Maximum Security was best today, the 20 ran great and got lucky, the 13 got unlucky with a bad spot but the 1 will be dangerous in the Preakness assuming a rider switch and/or an easy trip.
  14. Maybe you and the OP can aim a little lower and exchange digits.
  15. I don't know any of my own but I recently learned that if you want to get committed to an asylum you can go on a message board and share what you dreamt about Bob Costas. Maybe you can even meet Britney.
  16. If you like that stuff check out the "UFO found on the ocean floor" thread.
  17. And as we all know horses are otherwise immortal so you're definitely correct on this.
  18. Human trafficking has never happened and if it did no one would ever cover it up through coercion and duress. And to think your poor poor owner has to suffer like this. Didn't he endure enough when he was unable to sabotage the Bills and get them sold to Bon Jersey? I have to stop typing now, put my fingers in my ears, shut my eyes and sing la la la la la. Because the world is a wonderful place where happy Chinese ladies achieve their lifelong dreams of living in the very strip mall where they get to ***** disgusting looking men every day. How dare the Jupiter PD try to take away that dream?
  19. My guess is the Bills do this first and the cheerleader is Bob Costas. Just call it a hunch based on anecdotal information.
  20. Now you're saying Bob Costas got his period? This crap keeps getting weirder. Dude shut this thread down and find a shrink that is open on weekends.
  21. Good news:. Botterill reportedly called Skinner to discuss financial topics. Bad News:. He just wanted to know Skinner's pick for the Kentucky Derby so he could look smart and make a few bucks at his neighbor's party Saturday.
  22. That sounds like vinegar milk. For buttermilk you should add butter
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