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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Tell the truth. You're a Bob Kraft and your thumb hurt from being in your butt right?
  2. My comment was about the Sabres and you replied. It makes sense that your reply was also about the Sabres but I guess it was about the weather. Also if you read my posts about the Bills you will find them generally upbeat. I find it difficult to be non-somber about the Sabres. Several horrible teams have leapt way forward over the last 5 years as happens every five years. Meanwhile the Sabres and you keep advocating waiting another 5+. Seattle will make the playoffs long before the Sabres. Actually I was reiterating your narrative that he needs enough time to cash his first social security check before he develops.
  3. If you see this as a sunny day era for the Sabres we will have to agree to disagree on that point. We agree that we'd like to see them win.
  4. I disagree. It is zero big deal. He's a commie so there is that, but his sexuality shouldn't be an impediment and I doubt it will be. What are they?
  5. Mix, let sit for four years and Mittestadt will be a viable 2nd line center when healthy. Note:. To this point it looks more like talent will be removed rather than added; but fear not, we signed a 14 year old kid from Finald we can make excuses for until 2027.
  6. Points 1 and 2 are what they are but I think point 3 is what made her your ex. Have you considered how it made her feel knowing about your Jimmy G fantasies? Keep that stuff to yourself dude.
  7. I hope he calls himself Patches and starts throwing wrenches at everyone.
  8. Side note:. The chick that played Darpa is now on Fear the Walking Dead and she is decent in the role.
  9. Nothing is happening. Ever. The reason Comey and the other douche are making the talk show rounds is not because they are worried. They are taunting people as a display of who all is still in charge.
  10. If you add in aliens to the story line please name one of them Jewbacca.
  11. More power to you dude. You're a fan, so cool. But at least be honest in acknowledging you'd be mocking Watson if the Bills picked him up and extolling the virtues of Sefarian-Jenkins and what he will do for you guys.
  12. This is no big deal because I'm sure the emails were written in English and looked like gibberish to the chinamen. Imagine getting an email with all Chinese lettering. You'd just delete it right?
  13. 1. During mid season Tampa is switched to AFCS, Miami to NFCS and Jax to AFCE as part of their announced move to London. Doing this move during the year results in some scheduling glitches which result in NE winning the AFCE via a tiebreaker they would have otherwise lost. 2. Miami stinks bad, drafts a QB at the top and trades Rosen to Jax to replace he injured Foles. The AFCE has 3 2018 R1 QBs again in 2020.
  14. I have nothing against him but I am against risk. Cutting Levi Wallace by accident because someone fills out the paperwork wrong isn't something I want to see. They either need to have this kid change his name or tell him to just forget it.
  15. Poojer would throw in a comment but he is being treated for second degree burns.
  16. He's a high character guy but old. May or may not be a good pickup for you guys. I don't see a ton of risk.
  17. He just bankrupted an entire league in 1 week.
  18. In the grand scheme of things it probably shouldn't prevent anything from happening but being half a world away, with priority given to a tournament that is fairly meaningless, is definitely a bad look. Other teams making coaching moves during this time makes it worse. Tim Murray was the worst GM I've ever seen. He was worse than Matt Millen. He made almost universally bad decisions and called everyone in his field of vision stupid. That said, he never looked lazy. Don't get me wrong, lazy is an improvement over Murray. But it's not good.
  19. Not many golf courses in Slovakia so when he gets back he'll need to: Recover from jet lag Get in a few rounds Charity golf benefit. It's a scramble! Have the car serviced Attend St. John Fisher camp. One Buffalo! Pick up the dry cleaning Binge Game of Thrones final season he missed while in Slovakia Scan Netflix for stuff Make a few calls to potential coaches; make sure to include Emelio Estevez who looked intriguing during one of his Netflix choices Not rushing in on coaches is a key part of this if we expect Mittlestadt to be a viable 2nd line center by the 27-28 season. Patience.
  20. That one is called the Drunken Donut trade. Maybe we should trade for a GM that realizes part of his job is to hire a coach.
  21. IMHO a fan that goes on a message board for a rival team is more obsessive than the fans of the subject team. Note:. I did not take the bait to make a Kraft joke about what you typed. Nice try though.
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