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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I predict Nick Easley outplays Sills. One has had zero hype on this board while the other has been given the kiss of death with ridiculous expectations. He went undrafted for a reason.
  2. Cusak is a moron but if he stays in Washington he won't be making crappy movies like Ferris Bueller and shoving them down our throat.
  3. There are reasons Whaley is gone but being forced to draft crappy players for a failed scheme isn't one of them. It is very clear that Rex got what he wanted in that draft.
  4. I think Gase was generally surprised by this like all of us. I hear that when he found out his eyes bugged out of his head.
  5. There is a difference between enough evidence to convict, enough to go to trial, and "no evidence". The police saw enough to: begin an investigation continue it with warrants for months speak out about it, in detail including plights of individual women they clearly made mistakes and this case fell apart but it was not invented out of thin air. I am willing to go out on a limb and guess that not many women want to move to a country where they don't speak the language, live in a strip mall with a pile of other women and service fat 70 year olds all day. Maybe I belong on a turnip truck but Occum's a Shaver says nope.
  6. Honestly, I think the punishment from the NFL should be light if anything at all and IMO it need not be publicly disclosed. It's pointless. If there had been a legal case made for trafficking not involving Kraft, even if the case failed, then maybe something, but the investigation didn't work and the chance for the whole truth to be known has been swept under the rug. I see the NFL having no standing to do anything harsh. IMO Kraft should come out with a release saying he had no inkling that trafficking was going on there, still doesn't know, but that he has become more aware of its general existence and ugliness and that he is donating $x to help stop it. It would help his reputation and maybe shed a little light on the issue. I doubt he will do a blessed thing and don't feel he has a legal or maybe even moral obligation to do so.
  7. IIRC he is mistaken on the location and the host of the party. I don't think you should have to look it up since you know everything about Kraft already. We'll take your word for it.
  8. I'm not arguing that Kraft or any of the johns could have stopped this. I don't care either way if they go after the johns. They are a town police force and are not going to solve all of this. Maybe that individual place will close up and move to the next town though. That's no solution really but I can see how Jupiter might think it benefited. The turnip truck is parked at 23rd and 5th. Hurry up and hop back on.
  9. The latest on that case is that none of the women speak English and that there were heavy indications that their families in China could be in danger if they talked. They are probably living in another parlor as we speak. But if WEO says no trafficking, there must be none. I'm sure there may have been better ways for the police to handle it in an ideal world like following the finances, etc. I get what you're saying about Kraft and the others and although I'll admit I still find something very strange about multiple billionaires frequenting the same craphole, I don't really give a crap about his plight either way and certainly don't care about video release. I find it sad that not one of these people stepped up in any way to help these women or acknowledge this real problem in the world once they "found out". Sad. Not surprising. Maybe someday Harvey Weinstein will make a movie about it.
  10. I'm not judging. People can have whatever relationship arrangements they want. In that context cheating is probably the wrong word; just non-monogamous. When the spouse is unaware.....cheating.
  11. I'm not saying it would. My suspicion is that the police made a lot of mistakes but that their original case was about trafficking and that there probably was trafficking going on. These women are very likely truly victims in ways none of us can imagine. Pats fans on a Bills board getting gleeful that the case fell apart so they can brag on their team's owner is sad to me. The police also may have naively thought that pent up losers like Kraft might have enough remorse to help by providing information/evidence once they learned of the women's plight.
  12. Side note:. Going to one of those places even without a happy ending is cheating if you're married. Also, so is the Sports clips etc. hot towel/shoulder massage.
  13. Something is very broken. Botts has guys scurrying away. How long since Krueger's name has come up anywhere? Did all people currently involved in hockey opt out so we found some guy that had gone to soccer? I hope this guy succeeds and we need a change of pace but I'm not sure the whole Tony Robbins schtick is they way to go.
  14. This isn't really about Kraft. He just made it famous. I find it sad that people say "there was no slavery" because slavery can't be proven in a court of law. Completely tossing logic aside in some weird absolution of a favorite footballs team's owner is pretty sad in its own right. I hope that that some day those women are free but sadly it probably won't happen. This plight is not uncommon even in 2019 but it gets mocked in the interest of rooting for the Patriots. It is sad.
  15. Cause for celebration. It is a great day for slave traders worldwide. Thank God for technicalities, mistakes and limited resources. Billionaires should have their needs fulfilled on a whim and maintain plausible deniability.
  16. Tulsi not only has to put up with this but also has to overcome her last name starting with "Gab".
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