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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Without commenting on abortion itself, 100% of people should be able to agree that making that sign is simply wrong and that it is a sad statement about our society that those girls can proudly hold it up and smile.
  2. He was not an excellent player for the Sabres. He was a lethargic loser who helped poison the room. He needed to go and he didn't even handle that like a man. For whatever reason he didn't want to be here and he wasn't even man enough to outright say it. That is not the profile of a player who garners a premium in a trade. It results in a discount. Murray sucked but he did a lot for ROR as did the Pegulas. He was welcomed by the fans in a great hockey town. WTF?
  3. None of that matters. ROR was a gigantic piece of crap while he was here. He got bombed and ran over a donut shop 4 seconds after he was given a huge contract. He played uninspired hockey to be kind, then he whined publicly about losing passion for the game in some passive aggressive mind games. At least have they balls to demand a trade. The ROR the Sabres traded was a bum. Maybe he has matured in St. Louis or maybe he just got what he wanted all along and his hissy fit paid off. The Sabres fans deserved far far more than what he gave them and a bag of pucks would have been a good return for what he was while he was here. I hope we never have another player like the one he was while here. Also, I hope he helps the Blues beat the Bruins.
  4. McCoy has played well for us and by all accounts is great in the locker room. It is very clear from their on field interactions that McCoy and Allen get along famously. Why is it that every day there is a new way to get rid of him? It's ridiculous.
  5. LOL goalie shirt. If he isn't careful he may end up with two jobs.
  6. This could work in Canada as an average bumbling oaf could easily outwit everyone.
  7. I've never seen it played but it is definitely better than soccer.
  8. The sub headline is really bad news. Many of the people in the world came into it via pregnancy. I'm guessing it is at least 50%. If that pregnancy to birth ratio continues the world's population could be in jeopardy. Some of my math might be off a bit but it's still bad news.
  9. There are approximately 99 numbers available to begin with. Subtract out the few retired numbers and there are less than approximately 99. If they have a bunch of running backs in camp well...... . This isn't a big deal IMO.
  10. Does that word full of asterisks start with s f or another letter?
  11. RIP Sue. To me, for a true Bills fan like her, "too young to die" means dying before the Bills win a Super Bowl, but 59 is also too young for a fan of any team.
  12. These people you think will be exposed are still very much in control and zero will happen.
  13. Everything is just around the corner. Declassification, revelations about Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Clinton, et al are just around the corner. That's the good news. The bad news is that's it's around the corner between Pluto and Niribu. It's not happening. The only question is whether they have to run out the clock until 2020 or 2024, but they have the ability to do both.
  14. Let's see how satirical it feels when you're cleaning your soiled underwear.
  15. Whether he is right or wrong about the signing, the fact is that it is over and done. Saying negative things about it at this point in time can't result in anything good.
  16. The Jets ran a similar poll but one of the choices was "here there and everywhere".
  17. Muscle aches, nausea, fever and diarrhea are no joke.
  18. If we went with a red face mast somebody would get impaled.
  19. This, among other things, combined with the dumb rule will lead to new and original ways of screwing some teams and he,ping others.
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