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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. There are plenty of old photos from his fish days with Gase wearing the hat like that. He probably has some sort of condition. I feel bad for him about that but nothing else. He's a douche. Wtf does that even mean.
  2. It probably won't cost the Pats much to trade up from 6.
  3. We've come a long way in the intervening 50 years or so. It used to be the FBI could just do what they wanted. Now they need people to create a fake dossier first.
  4. JUST IN: The only idiots who care about KKK idiots having a rally are in the media. Ok, the idiots in the Southern Poverty Law Center care too but eh. Wait, not even a dozen … NINE OF THEM SHOWED UP. and the same comment: And I would add, that if your 'response to this article is that we are denying that there is a small, vocal (despicable) group of white supremacists in the U.S. then you either didn't read the article or you are an idiot. Your choice. All the KKK dudes were apparently too occupied on the TSW LamarJackson thread and missed their ride to Dayton.
  5. Now Dan Snyder has twice as much pressure on him.
  6. First he commits his time to team Canada, now politics and soon golf. When will this idiot get back to focusing on the Sabres?
  7. And yet you're surprised at the result? Maybe you should have listened in health class.
  8. I don't know but I feel bad for whichever lineman is Sharon Tate.
  9. I'm done with this as it serves no purpose and has nothing much to do with next season. Note that we agree that the ROR trade isn't something we see as bad even though we have different reasons for our similar conclusion. I entered/stay in this portion of the discussion backing you up. Lurker brings up a new point about the C. I guess I see that as plausible but ill advised. Dumping a good player to artificially elevate another seems pretty dumb unless they don't get along.
  10. The organization used actions rather than words to weigh in on what they thought of him and his effort didn't they? I mean it really is self evident.
  11. Let me ask you this: Have you ever lost your passion for something and still executed it to your highest ability? Does having a passion for something help increase your effort level? Do many highly skilled people giving full effort leave their employers feeling compelled to get rid of them?
  12. They were the worst team in the league the last time ROR was here. There were no voids to create. He is playing well for the Blues. Maybe he has grown up. Terrific. In his own words he did not give full effort last year. He is now giving effort. If you think that is the mark of a professional then you have low standards.
  13. You're right. Passive aggressive interviews about losing passion for the sport are mature and signing a contract, getting bombed and running over a Tim Hortons is professional.
  14. I'm sure they didn't like any of that but don't forget there was also a movie claiming they were outwitted by Ben Affleck and a bunch of Canadians. THAT would piss off just about anyone.
  15. I've seen statements about the following presidents stating they would invent a crisis to stay in office: Reagan Clinton Bush2 Obama And now Trump I may have missed one about Bush 1. Try to be original. The only people I've seen try to create a crisis to be president thankfully never were. Those are Gore and to a lesser extent Hillary as her's seems more about disruption than replacement.
  16. I think Greggy may have been claiming Nadler can levitate like David Blaine.
  17. I think to judge the trade you can't compare STL ROR to Thompson et al. and BUF ROR was terrible. The cause for any discrepancy is ROR's childish and unprofessional attitude which is not Botterill's fault. I think it is fair to examine what Murray gave up to get this loser in the first place but even that is iffy. Murray was horrible but could any GM really expect ROR's poor attitude and drunken exploits?
  18. That is true. There is no denying that. Something is off and needs to be fixed. Maybe coach Tony Robbins is the answer.
  19. Without commenting on abortion itself, 100% of people should be able to agree that making that sign is simply wrong and that it is a sad statement about our society that those girls can proudly hold it up and smile.
  20. He was not an excellent player for the Sabres. He was a lethargic loser who helped poison the room. He needed to go and he didn't even handle that like a man. For whatever reason he didn't want to be here and he wasn't even man enough to outright say it. That is not the profile of a player who garners a premium in a trade. It results in a discount. Murray sucked but he did a lot for ROR as did the Pegulas. He was welcomed by the fans in a great hockey town. WTF?
  21. None of that matters. ROR was a gigantic piece of crap while he was here. He got bombed and ran over a donut shop 4 seconds after he was given a huge contract. He played uninspired hockey to be kind, then he whined publicly about losing passion for the game in some passive aggressive mind games. At least have they balls to demand a trade. The ROR the Sabres traded was a bum. Maybe he has matured in St. Louis or maybe he just got what he wanted all along and his hissy fit paid off. The Sabres fans deserved far far more than what he gave them and a bag of pucks would have been a good return for what he was while he was here. I hope we never have another player like the one he was while here. Also, I hope he helps the Blues beat the Bruins.
  22. McCoy has played well for us and by all accounts is great in the locker room. It is very clear from their on field interactions that McCoy and Allen get along famously. Why is it that every day there is a new way to get rid of him? It's ridiculous.
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