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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Will there be an investigation to see if the Russians hacked the erection?
  2. Regrettably I saw of few minutes of Gillibrand's Town Hall last night. It can be summarized in two words: Hate Screech
  3. Nothing falls into the lap of Botts on this? He was either ignorant of or complicit in St. Louis' chicanery. Do you think he got Berglund in an effort to create a roster spot and recoup cap?
  4. Something is amiss with Bott's design. O'Reilly used every trick in the book to get out and this guy too. Meanwhile all nicey nice talk about Skinner but actions speak louder and there haven't been any.
  5. Yup. Just like everyone knows the Russians did it. The law passed in NY and the vile celebration that ensued, were a result of nothing other than an utter disregard by politicians for human life. They are just reacting to something that hasn't happened.
  6. So not much in terms of leadership I guess. Will he wait for Lee Smith to run new routes first?
  7. Lots of people have dry skin and use Nivea or Eucerin every morning and nobody notices. How is that a statement at all.
  8. Dude get real. The very best one can do for Mueller is call it he said she said. To assume which one is lying you'd need to look at the known facts, all of which were written by Mueller but align with what Barr said much more directly. To boil it down to one question: If there was obstruction and Trump was not charged because of one rule that protected only him, why was no one else charged with obstruction? Not one person in his orbit was charged with obstruction of the investigation. Think about that. Do you think if one low level lackey stepped out of line on a Wednesday afternoon and told Andrew Weisman to get bent that it would have been let go? Or might they have brought him in and given him "the Flynn"?
  9. We really don't need updates but I'll remind that your mom said doing that too much will make you go blind.
  10. I can see investigating obstruction even being unable to indict POTUS because others around him could be indicted. Where are those indictments? Are we to believe Trump personally tried to obstruct and that not a single member of his staff or family went along? This whole thing requires falling off several turnip trucks to believe.
  11. He said that Mueller said one thing yesterday which is counter to how Barr characterized their discussions. That is true. Where does it say whether Christies aligns with Barr or Mueller. Are Barr and Mueller still buddies?
  12. What page discusses how votes were tampered with or swayed? That would be interesting. Also, who won that arm wrestling match on Facebook? Also, what page discusses how Trump obstructed? Since Mueller will never speak again, those details must be in there, right?
  13. Russia got a Facebook page It didn't do diddly some british dude made up crap about peeing Hillary ran with it then lost then kept running with it Mueller hired Andrew Weismann. Huge red flag Even Weismann found no collusion Shakedowns ensue Trump got pissed and ranted about firing Mueller His advisers tell him "bad idea" so he doesn't. OBSTRUCTION!
  14. Most East Asians don't need it. I'd bet an Armenian could tell you exactly what it is and where it is the cheapest.
  15. That's pretty pedestrian. Now if he lived in a cave WITH running water......
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