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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. To be fair to the Giants, the destiny of Allen, Allen, Jones and Barkley are far from written. They could turn out to be very right, very wrong or totally break even. The only fair criticism for now, IMO, is to say Jones could have been had later than 6 which seems to be likely.
  2. Wait. Are you saying "Booty" and "Licious" might be stage names? I suspect someone in Bell's circle may have hired these broads. He should be on the lookout for shifty eyed weirdos.
  3. I get why Mills is gone but will always like him for going after Kiko. Now he is with Kiko. Weird.
  4. Is it even funnier that they had a chance at two different guys named Josh Allen?
  5. It was bad I agree but there is no need to embellish by photoshopping Burt's eyes. I doubt he reacted that way.
  6. In some of those stupid countries plugging in a hair dryer will burn down the building.
  7. I agree that Obama giving an iPod full of his speeches is weird but. Give him a break on the movies. It's not his fault if Britain uses a stupid encoding system. Maybe they should get with the times.
  8. Lol now they're grasping at straws because they're finding what sitcom math and Occum's Shaver have been saying all along. No one is out there. System after system has issues preventing its planets from sustaining life. Now moons we haven't found are going to be the havens. What's next?
  9. I am not repulsed by the team, I am saddened by them but continue to root for them. The gist of my post was more to point out that you seem to be calling Plenz a vomitous drunk because he doesn't agree with your view of the team. His view however is more in line with what has happened on ice than is yours.
  10. It depends on how you define serious. Was it unique to Russia? No. Was it unique to 2016? No. Do similar efforts go on every day in every walk of life from individual, commercial, criminal and governmental sources? Yes. Did it alter a single vote? Unknown with certainty but it hasn't been demonstrated. Were their efforts more sophisticated than the movie that got blamed for Benghazi? Not by much. Did Facebook profit from it? Yes. Both directly and from the huffing and puffing which ensued. Is it desirable that this sort of thing happened? No. So I guess I consider it serious based on the last bullet point an to an extent the penultimate one as well. What I find more serious is that although it was rife with ineptitude and clearly inconsequential, that it has turned into a historical moment to some people. Worse yet, it has turned into that because we were told that it should and nothing more. That was in turn used to try to unseat an elected President. I would not be shocked if similar efforts, still unpublicized, had been made by Finland and Peru. Trump's homeland sec leader was named Kirsten which sounds Finnish to me. Investigate!
  11. Good post. To summarize: 1. The political class should be allowed to make up BS about people they don't want to have certain roles. This is better for us all. 2. If the subject of the BS gets pissed that can be used as a backup plan once the BS is discovered to be BS. This holds true even if the subject simply rants about it and takes no action.
  12. Maybe, but the "puncture repeatedly with a knife" part alarmed me.
  13. Good God if you went to San Diego you'd have been the lemon and the chicken.
  14. Spoiler alert: There are no such thing as aliens. You're welcome for the hours I saved you from watching some moron from the Backstreet Boys.
  15. What day is Skinner free to sign with another team? Are there target free agents to directly replace him or will Tony Robbins have to work miracles?
  16. Most on Berglund for sure but Bott's needs to protect the Sabres interests, which he did not. In addition, and it's too late now but St. Louis is not a team that he should ever do business with again. They are the ones who screwed both the Sabres and Berglund. Why he had bad things to say about the Sabres in that article but left the Blues out of it is curious.
  17. I knew you'd say that but the waiting was the hardest part.
  18. How is saying "it's cool" different than saying "it sucks"? Either way your opinion is being stated as a fact.
  19. Peter Strzok is the investigator so I stand corrected. Peter struck was the cause so I got confused there. In addition, peter stroke was the remedy.
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