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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. At first I was inclined to think that but the cheering went on for far far to long to think that. There was plenty of time for anyone with a functioning brain to process what had happened long before the cheering stopped. Even if you account for the slower Canadian processing there was still time.
  2. The big news has been breaking every second of every minute of every day since SETI started pointing crap at the sky. There have never been any intelligent aliens out there. Sheldon said do when he thought he was saying the opposite.
  3. Well Knox hasn't played a down but he's already better at contract holdouts than Rudolph.
  4. I think it would be borderline unfair for the Texans to hold the 49ers kicker's contract dispute against Gaine.
  5. Durant was clearly playing on an unstable foundation and had an impact early. If Toronto fans rejoice in an injury it's sad. I've seen it happen elsewhere but if they were singing na na goodbye to an injured player that is looooooow. I am surprised that a city full of geniuses wearing grammatically incorrect t-shirts could put two and two together enough to figure out that injuries to the other team increased their chances.
  6. Because you want a different commie on charge? Spoiler alert :. All commies achieve the same results.
  7. I think your description of pressure on Allen is the way it should be but not the way it will be. If he looks good and makes progress in every area but one, the media is likely to harp on it. Let's just say he misses on some short passes in key spots. He will be left open to the "inaccurate" label. He was not the anointed can't miss kid like Luck so media focus could end up negative. Luck misses some bunnies but they aren't mentioned. That said I think he can take it and I don't think unfair pressure will come from OBD.
  8. I agree with selections 1-3 even if I don't agree completely with your descriptions. I'd remove Murphy because although it is important for him personally, expectations are low and he doesn't move the needle with the fan base. I'd remove Shady for the opposite reasons. He is on the back nine and his career story, a strong one, is mostly written. He can help the team but he needn't be the cornerstone. I'd add: Allen because 2019 has to be the year he solidifies his leadership. That isn't easy. He doesn't have to turn into Jim Kelly yet but he can't end the year with big question marks outstanding. The last one is tricky but I'll go with Edmunds who is under pressure to emerge as the leader of the defense. It's as big a year for him as it is for Allen. I missed Bill too but the return of the word stumblebum is also a nice bonus.
  9. You have some reality issues if you think I am "crapping on" anyone along with some of your other comments above. I am rooting for every single one of them to be great. I crapped on no one. I do find it odd that Sills name comes up over and over and over in threads like this that are about other players. I don't trash the idea that he has a chance. He is on the roster so he does. I trash the idea that he made Will Grier what he is today and that his college career, which resulted in him being undrafted, gives him a better chance of making the roster than Jones. That's a joke. I do remember Jones drop in the Carolina game. I agree he cost us that game because so many other people scored so many touchdowns and all Zay needed to do was add one more. The whole offense was tremendous except for him. If he had only been an average rookie we'd have won the Super Bowl. In your wonderful Zay Jones sucks thread the OP lists all of his deficiencies and nary a positive trait, but we are now to believe you think and hope he can succeed? You list his 7 deadly sins. You list zero positive traits. You list zero specific rays of hope. Your thread didn't exactly state "Zay's roster spit could be in jeopardy". Look at its title dude. It's ok to be invested in an opinion. Just own it.
  10. So much LOL I don't know where to start but I'm sure you're rooting for Zay. What constitutes a disaster on an off the field? Are disasters irrecoverable? Has there ever been a rookie WR on a team with a QB that didn't pass that had a worse season than Jones? How is it that he was "outshined" by a receiver who had fewer receptions, yards and touchdowns? Meanwhile Sills the miracle was one of the best receivers in college for two years running, is "very accomplished", gets all the credit for his QB's career and somehow gets passed over by every team in the league in all 7 rounds. Clue: He was NOT one of the best receivers in college football in terms of being a pro prospect. I was skeptical about Foster after the preseason drops but am now hopeful he can build on a good second half of 2018. I am also rooting for Jones, Sills, Easley, Williams, McCloud, Brown and Beasley along with Croom, Kroft and the rookie who is holding out. I do find it silly that a Zay Jones sucks thread was created and sillier that it has partially turned into a Sills is amazing thread.
  11. Joe Vitti's abound. Sometimes they can provide value and I hope they all do. I haven't seen much Easley hype but some on Williams and Sills infiltrates every thread. I think I saw someone mention him in the best modern composer thread on OTW.
  12. Is there any reason Sills went undrafted while Jones was a high 2nd? Didn't any of these scouts read anything? I think Sills projects to have a Will Fuller type career because of the V. Note:. The above statement has just as much logic regarding the legend of Sills as any other ridiculous thing I've read. Why people are rooting against Jones succeeding is baffling to me. I hope they all do fantastic things, but if we're going on hunches my hunch is that Nick Easley will last longer than Sills.
  13. It's good to know that with the FA and draft improvements, a QB in his second year, a division opponent tanking along with a seemingly softer schedule that we might be feisty enough to match last year's record.
  14. Did they ever find the "punt from the opponent's 35" playbook?
  15. I am really bothered by it and I cannot believe a person could do something like that.
  16. This has bothered me all day and honestly I don't think I'll forget it any time soon. It's incomprehensible and I wish I could go back in time and never click it.
  17. Winning systems rotate in every sport IMO. Build the roster to your vision and execute. If that means big and strong/small and quick or some hybrid then fine. Some day some baseball team will opt for pitchers that are smart and mix pitches like Greg Maddux did. But for now the "winning system" is a roster full of pitchers who throw 94 until their shoulder falls off. Greg Maddux would be drafted in the 30th round if at all. That said, a team with a ton of need and a ton of cap space can't have a system so dysfunctional that players like Skinner apparently want out or at the very least are not easily convinced to stay on board. Something needs fixing and before July 1 in this case. Krueger speaks well and does not appear to be a dummy but is that enough to attract players? Something is wrong and needs to be righted.
  18. Plus he got drunk and ran over a Tim Horton's. But they're playing Boston so I can easily root for him.
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