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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Heard it again and remember enough to summarize: A very bright light shot up from the ground There were a bunch of seemingly unrelated noises that confused people What they were actually all hearing was the trannies generating the electricity That electricity from the men wearing women's shoes killed him, not the bullet. It made people think about how life is short and what they should do with their time. I don't really buy it.
  2. I heard the theory on the radio again. This time it was on the Classic Vinyl channel. The dude had a British accent so I couldn't make out everything but he was pretty clear about the trannies.
  3. I only heard this once once the radio and I've been listening for it again to no avail. The best I can summarize: Castro thought US business was profiting off the backs of the workers and wanted to get even. He hired at least two trannies and they were actually the cause of the electrocution that killed JFK There may have been a bullet but that is not ultimately what did him in The electricity came from below.
  4. I think the passport thing was a parody. I realize the article about the Japanese doubts was from sources and not anything official but IMO they can get bent. I have an idea. Run your own investigation. That way you don't have to trust anyone else or make accusations about the US or Israel. Are they the only other countries in the world that could have pulled that off did Japan pick them randomly.
  5. Well the Beatles had commie influences but they were not mentioned on the radio. Were the guys in the front seat ever investigated? Were they known to cross dress? The current could have been triggered by them. I can't see doing it remotely back in the 60s.
  6. It was kind of crazy. It implied Castro hired trannies and that it wasn't a bullet that did him in. I listened but didn't hear it again. I'll try to remember the details.
  7. JFK. It made it sound as if he was actually electrocuted. I don’t really know. There were definitely crazy aspects to it. Is it true that no one heard the shot? I knew nobody saw for sure but I thought there was a noise.
  8. @Deranged Rhino Have you heard anything about the alternate theories on Kennedy's death. I heard something on the radio this morning and it was intriguing.
  9. In a mere 5 years UMD will announce that electrolytes are what plants crave.
  10. Only in Canada would so many people wear t shirts that are advertisements for illiteracy. To celebrate, a team official beats up a cop. Classy.
  11. I'm not into this nerd stuff but I know hab means Canadian and I know Rex Ryan grew up in Toronto. If you are in to amateur Klingon foot fetish porn you may have hit bottom.
  12. It is neither in Ireland nor New Zealand. It can be found only in the brains of nerds.
  13. And now to enjoy 4 minutes of chowderheads pouting.
  14. They even tape their own employees at parties. Sounds like a great bunch.
  15. I find ROR an unprofessional crybaby drunk donut store runner overer who signed a huge contract and immediately mentally bailed. I find that sort of player to be the lowest of the low................so only slightly more likable than every Bruin who ever lived. Go Blues.
  16. And you gave me the Googly eyes emoji? To be fair, let me elaborate. Wrt Jones it may have just been the Bills that saw him that high or it may have been some other teams as well. It is not completely unreasonable to puff out your chest and say you got it right. It seems a little arrogant but what vet. Sills was passed over by every team in the league for 7 rounds. You saw him as a 3/4. This means in rounds 5,6 and 7 he was a value every time. Counting comp picks that is over 100 chances 32 different professional organizations had to take him. You don't think it is a touch presumptuous to just assume your assessment was right? This doesn't mean he can't succeed. He may and I hope he does, but chances are that the TBD bandwagon on the whole is inferior to the combined NFL scouting organizations. It is not limited to some discussion about the Bills.
  17. Is there any reason Sills went undrafted? Your answer seems to be: Spiller sucks Watkins sucks Oliver sucks Jones sucks You have been overlooked and should be added to the Bills staff But why wasn't Sills drafted?
  18. If Nelson Rockefeller could answer he'd go with "Die Hard".
  19. Is there a documented case in which a person was beaten and the perpetrator was acquitted because he said "I found out that dude was gay, I freaked and beat him"? Or is this ridiculous pandering by Cuomo. WWOSS?
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