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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. SDS did not initiate this ban. It was put in play by Roger Goodell after Tom Brady misplaced an artificial appendage during a game in Buffalo.
  2. I don't think it's realistic to expect anything other than future potential from the draft. I do think it is more than fair to wonder about the on ice stuff. Our two recent can't miss ultra talents haven't exactly been that. We even managed to turn the greatest D prospect of all time into the third best rookie in a year. If they trade Risto for a bag of pucks as rumored, it will be confusing.
  3. It would be oh so presidential to sit back and get blugeoned by 20 morons for a couple of hours and have a willing press agree with everything they say. The more presidential he is, the less chance he has to remain president.
  4. For such a poorly supported team it has always amazed me at how consistently they have been competitive.
  5. I knew someone who named all his dogs Reich. After the second one died he should have changed his naming convention.
  6. I agree it looked bad but there are actually towns in this country that run youth soccer leagues. Soccer! In the USA.
  7. That guy is a doofus. It makes me wonder if there are more sophisticated operations still afoot.
  8. I was able to catch a line verbatim this time: ...but it wasn't the bullet that laid him to rest, was the low spark of high heeled boys. It seems fake to me.
  9. Sheldon himself isn't real but he is a decent representation of otherwise smart people who turn a practically Canadian level of dumb when it comes to the math on aliens. Drake's equation, cited by the character Sheldon, is real. It is meant to convince people that there must be millions of alien cultures out there, but in fact it proves there are none.
  10. And yet physics and economics render it futile.
  11. Sheldon tried that and it blew up in his face.
  12. The one thing we do know is that whoever we draft, they should be given 8 years before they are expected to produce. Nylander's 2024 should be decent for example.
  13. Given that an extraterrestrial craft has never existed let alone crashed on Earth; hasn't every human ever born has been denied access to their crash sites? This would include admirals, correct? UFOs don't truly exist in the literal sense. Yes, mysterious military aircraft may have been seen by people who don't know what they are, but they are most certainly identifiable to the military. I think it is incredibly interesting that we study the cosmos and likely will become very valuable at some point. It may even enable us to survive as a species. But looking for signs of life out there, given that it has already been disproven, is the very definition of waste. It is far far worse than expecting to hit the Powerball. It detracts from research that may prove fruitful and it is sad.
  14. Heard it again and remember enough to summarize: A very bright light shot up from the ground There were a bunch of seemingly unrelated noises that confused people What they were actually all hearing was the trannies generating the electricity That electricity from the men wearing women's shoes killed him, not the bullet. It made people think about how life is short and what they should do with their time. I don't really buy it.
  15. I heard the theory on the radio again. This time it was on the Classic Vinyl channel. The dude had a British accent so I couldn't make out everything but he was pretty clear about the trannies.
  16. I only heard this once once the radio and I've been listening for it again to no avail. The best I can summarize: Castro thought US business was profiting off the backs of the workers and wanted to get even. He hired at least two trannies and they were actually the cause of the electrocution that killed JFK There may have been a bullet but that is not ultimately what did him in The electricity came from below.
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