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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Which one will propose giving everyone $5 million dollars?
  2. Question said 60% of Dems think economy is doing well. Do 60% of Dems own an oil company?
  3. He's probably never heard of Moonlight Graham either. That would be like giving them the barrel for nothing.
  4. If your portfolio is the Sabres you are impovrished and appear happy to remain that way until Google turns into Kodak.
  5. You can't clear any of that stuff in an active way like clearing cache, history, etc.. You have to be clever. I searched for "Canadian geniuses" 10 times in a row and now I get blank spaces where the ads would be.
  6. To be fair she wasn't against the transnational criminal organizations praying; they just had to get off the women and children because they were squishing them.
  7. To clarify the Greg's stashes thread it was meant for conspiratorial or potentially conspiratorial topics. The above belongs in the lesser known "things Greg has stashed away for Saturday night" thread.
  8. Take the Bills out if it. Pats 2 and Chiefs 31? Shirley.
  9. Shirley you can't be serious. Unless you're talking about helmets and jerseys instead of coaches and GMs, then this "organization" is developing its first QB prospect. What history are you referencing? By this logic they should never select a QB in the draft at all. This means Cousins was the only play for them to have made. Maybe Keenum?
  10. Dear Captain Strawman, I haven't claimed Allen is headed for All Pro nor have I slammed you for stating your opinion. If I've slammed you at all it has been for your arrogant tone and Selective use of standards. Also, I have not been impacted personally in any way whatsoever other than amusement at your self aggrandizing claims and over the top use of hyperbole.
  11. Also all over the documents Althea found on the dead uniform guy.
  12. Honest admission: When I first read "State media's highly unusual and positive handling of Trump's..." I thought WAPO said something nice about POTUS. Well....maybe some day.
  13. Keep acting like that is what you're doing but make sure to also keep mixing in extreme adjectives like horrible and atrocious. Also keep up the good work on setting standards like a QB seeing every open receiver on every play and grading using phrases like "miles to go before being below average". You're pretty much on the record as being pro Tremaine Edmunds. I am too. That said it would be easy to go through his film last year and do the same crap you're doing with Allen's.
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