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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Lol like what? And don't answer with some vague crap.
  2. Having your son butchered and watching your government bumble through the prosecution might make anyone feel voiceless.
  3. Goldman could make bank by charging to sign Rollie Fingers on baseballs.
  4. Tim Graham can justify a lot of stupid things because he is stupid.
  5. Intensities in Ten Cities gets in on name alone. 2019 version could be Intensities in Tent Cities.
  6. I'm in favor of keeping Risto but at times he looks like a defensive version of Afinigenov. I think the new coach/motivational speaker deserves a chance to get more out of him. I also think the new coach deserves a GM trying to get more talent but alas Botts idea was picking up a 3rd string goalie for Rochester. I guess we're all set because Nylander will be ready for 2027-28.
  7. A team of scientists took multiple months to determine that it wasn't sent by non-existent beings. I'm sure this will help get another multi million $$$$$$$ grant. For Pete's sake if these idiots would watch a few sitcoms and pay attention we could all be spared this idiotic monotony.
  8. Are you saying Jeff Goldblum didn't sneak on a Japanese carrier and give it a computer virus?
  9. I have an idea. He's totally full of it.
  10. Lol at these moves. Nice effort Botts. The Rangers sucked this year and didn't want him. Somehow he's our big prize.
  11. To me, the NFL is not a court of law. If I'm the commish and it is obvious he broke the kids arm it's hasta la bye bye forever. If he can show he didn't do it, the tapes = a short suspension. If it is an unclear situation I don't envy Goodell that decision but I'd probably err on the side of a longer suspension.
  12. And an asteroid killed the dinosaurs. But we don't have any asteroids or theocrats running for president. Just communists.
  13. Wtf? We don't have 20 people on a stage advocating moving toward the implementation of a theocracy. We have 20 people raising their hands for government control. The system does not work and when it fails, it's leaders resort to violence every time. Happy Venezuela.
  14. Am I reading this wrong or did this guy "hold it" for the first half of his life? Why did no one raise their hand and ask if pomegranate juice is okay?
  15. Their answer to everything is more government planning and control. Their vision is the government planning for, paying for and charging for everything. From each.....to each. Today they want to take over private insurance and energy. I wonder what might happen if they feel a bank is making "too much" money. Commie crap and it has nothing to do with Trump.
  16. What impromptu moment? If you're talking about "her microphone" it was not impromptu. It was clearly planned as her little " oh look it worked" smirk gave away when people cheered it. It doesn't mean it didn't work, but it was not impromptu. I think she has a good chance to get the nomination. The only threats I see remaining after the first two nights are Mayor Pete, Bernie, Booker, maybe Warren who is falling IMO, and maybe Castro who is rising IMO. The rest are toast with Gillibrand having a minor chance to fill a void if someone slips up badly soon. If/when she gets the nomination I think she is the only one with a chance but she will far from mop the floor with Trump. Whoever delivers the message, the commie crap doesn't play well.
  17. Wildfires never happened in California before Trump. For Pete's sake they happened before human history.
  18. Which of these 19 morons will pass her when she fades? She has the mix of authoritarianism, anger, indignation, false omnipotence and arrogance that democrats crave.
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